PopMM - 11/05/24 00:01

[00:01] [GoD]spinnimini in
[00:01] [GoD]spinnimini out
[00:02] cccp> bad teams ?
[00:02] [AvA]Soma-> no its ok
[00:02] Plan3tFall out
[00:03] [D]Joseph> 1
[00:03] cccp> 1
[00:04] cccp> ping-ping
[00:04] [D]Joseph> hi ha
[00:04] cccp> ha hi
[00:05] [D]Joseph> that was boring to watch
[00:05] cccp> u watch last game ?
[00:06] [D]Joseph> no the 4v4
[00:06] [D]Joseph> thats playing right now
[00:12] [AsG]Godzilla out
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill say
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> whoever was behind me
[00:13] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gg
[00:13] [rw]raver> 4v4 is like two games happening next to each other
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> has a 0 awareness
[00:13] [Rw]Jops> I do not have the facilities to be big base
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> the person behind me
[00:13] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:13] [rw]raver> but totally separate
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> would not
[00:13] Lovenji_OP> that was
[00:13] Lovenji_OP> hilariously bad
[00:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> look at anything
[00:13] Lovenji_OP> I loved it
[00:13] [rw]raver> yea i was having a great time
[00:13] [Rw]Jops> yeah it was awful
[00:13] [Rw]Jops> now what map
[00:13] [OP]pressive_clown> my hands hurt
[00:14] [OP]pressive_clown> try hard mode
[00:14] [D]Joseph> i lost interest in watching xD
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> Did you play that hard
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:14] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[00:14] Garbageman> maybe cuz it took about 6 mins for you to connect even
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> I was having a chill time
[00:14] [Rw]Jops> was actually fairly even till babo got bored and wrecked my base
[00:14] [OP]pressive_clown> well idk i kinda had to 2v1 on my side and help you guys for first 10 min
[00:14] [rw]raver> i built my towers on the wrong side and it took someone 4 minutes to tell me
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> Wilson EQd us
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> I EQd him back
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> great
[00:14] [rw]raver> so who's fault is it really
[00:14] [OP]pressive_clown> yours, 0 map awareness :kekw:
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> It took a moment for me to process it
[00:14] Lovenji_OP> the towers looked correct
[00:15] [rw]raver> lol
[00:15] Lovenji_OP> until I looked at who they faced
[00:15] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:15] [Rw]Jops> we just didnt do even to babo base
[00:15] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> nvm it was fun
[00:15] Lovenji_OP> he looked like
[00:15] Lovenji_OP> he took some damage
[00:15] [Rw]Jops> I think I also expanded alan too late and too slow
[00:15] Lovenji_OP> at the front tbh
[00:15] [OP]pressive_clown> ye i had no defence for a minute
[00:15] [rw]raver> pop is so fun man i gave up on video games a long time ago but this shit is good as fuck
[00:15] [Rw]Jops> 4 walls?
[00:15] [rw]raver> 10/10
[00:15] [OP]pressive_clown> that woulda been your chance to wreck me, since tank wasnt interested in defending
[00:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I was defending mid
[00:16] Lovenji_OP> last game
[00:16] Lovenji_OP> then I bed
[00:16] [Rw]Jops> cool same probs
[00:16] [rw]raver> same
[00:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ggs
[00:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I'm out
[00:16] [OP]pressive_clown> no need to defend mid when 2 enemy shamans are in my front, i have no defence and im dead
[00:16] [D]Joseph> doing same map loven?
[00:16] [D]Joseph> ok phew
[00:16] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> you could be quadrupled
[00:16] Lovenji_OP> getting your knickers in a twist
[00:16] Lovenji_OP> 10 seconds after I join the host spot
[00:17] [OP]pressive_clown> yes, but i still have defence in my middle
[00:17] Lovenji_OP> like I can psychically change the map
[00:17] [OP]pressive_clown> they have to get past that first
[00:17] [OP]pressive_clown> its all a matter of where are enemies able to enter base quickly
[00:17] [Rw]Jops> yeah it surprised me how long you left your side undefended
[00:17] Lovenji_OP> chiiiiilll
[00:17] [Rw]Jops> just so good with troops we barely managed to launcg the eq in your base
[00:17] [D]Joseph> was just a question
[00:17] [D]Joseph> you chill
[00:17] [Rw]Carycyn> wasnt even a VERY serious game
[00:17] [Rw]Jops> nah not at all
[00:17] [Rw]Carycyn> when u random everything anyways
[00:17] Lovenji_OP> how do you think I felt on this side babo
[00:17] Lovenji_OP> where Spyro just walks in
[00:17] [OP]pressive_clown> :nice:
[00:18] Lovenji_OP> because there are no towers
[00:18] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:18] [Rw]Carycyn> come babo
[00:18] [Rw]Carycyn> rw vs rest
[00:18] [OP]pressive_clown> 3v2?
[00:18] [Rw]Carycyn> no
[00:18] [Rw]Carycyn> joseph just left
[00:18] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[00:18] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[00:18] [OP]pressive_clown> :monkas:
[00:18] [TDM]MR-TaNk> bye
[00:18] [OP]pressive_clown> bye
[00:18] [Rw]Jops> 3v2 would be funny tho
[00:18] [Rw]Jops> see ya tank
[00:18] Lovenji_OP> rejoin
[00:19] Lovenji_OP> I don't think we'll get 8 but 6 doable
[00:19] Lovenji_OP> probably
[00:19] [D]Joseph> later tank
[00:19] Lovenji_OP> Raver
[00:19] [TDM]MR-TaNk> :red_heart:
[00:19] [Rw]Jops> awwww yeeee git in ravvvveeerrrr
[00:19] [rw]raver> i was checking for northern lights
[00:19] Lovenji_OP> Still wanna do RW v Rest, or you come down from your bravery boner
[00:19] [rw]raver> apparently you can see them but i missed it
[00:19] [rw]raver> :[
[00:19] [Rw]Jops> im quite far away from a bravery boner
[00:19] [Rw]Jops> i would like best plz lol
[00:20] [Rw]Jops> I want to try and win 1 game tonight
[00:20] Lovenji_OP> Well my friend
[00:20] Lovenji_OP> Best doesn't have you winning
[00:20] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[00:20] Lovenji_OP> have you looked at it
[00:20] [Rw]Carycyn> yea ure stuck with me
[00:20] [OP]pressive_clown> rw vs?
[00:20] [Rw]Carycyn> its over
[00:20] [Rw]Carycyn> gg
[00:20] [Rw]Jops> i rate best
[00:20] [Rw]Jops> Lovenji_OP + [rw]raver + Garbageman vs. [Rw]Jops + [OP]pressive_clown + [Rw]Carycyn
[00:20] [Rw]Jops> ez
[00:20] Lovenji_OP> that's not my best
[00:20] [Rw]Carycyn> walls and give jops big base
[00:21] [Rw]Jops> rofl what?
[00:21] [Rw]Carycyn> make him work for it
[00:21] [Rw]Jops> give you big base surely
[00:21] [Rw]Carycyn> :D
[00:21] Lovenji_OP> https://gyazo.com/703e59095f223fafc10590ba6acf5b3f
[00:21] [Rw]Jops> weird, keeps giving me alan and babo
[00:21] [Rw]Carycyn> or go full random again
[00:21] IncaWarrior> probably means they're the same
[00:21] Lovenji_OP> They are not
[00:21] [OP]pressive_clown> :monkas: inca wanna have my spot
[00:21] [OP]pressive_clown> would be closer game
[00:22] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:22] Lovenji_OP> F U L L R A N D O M
[00:22] [OP]pressive_clown> :good: random
[00:22] [rw]raver> yea rng
[00:22] [rw]raver> brb getting water
[00:22] jammy out
[00:28] cccp out
[00:29] BrianK in
[00:29] [D]Joseph out
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino in
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino> HI}
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino> alguienque me tranfiera
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino> plata
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino> por favor
[00:30] mairaevelynmangino> hasta mañana
[00:38] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[00:49] adray_tsi in
[00:50] Lovenji_OP> a waste of time
[00:50] [Rw]Jops> another day without a single decent game
[00:50] [rw]raver> "CHARGE A DIFFERENT SPELL" lol
[00:50] [Rw]Jops> yup
[00:50] [Rw]Carycyn> that was kinda close i thought
[00:50] [Rw]Jops> shoulda just done 4 player without babo
[00:50] [Rw]Carycyn> i was shit all game
[00:50] Lovenji_OP> Carycyn clearly in an entirely different match
[00:51] [Rw]Jops> lol yeah dunno what hes talking about
[00:51] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao: close game
[00:51] [Rw]Jops> the game stats paint a very different picture
[00:51] [Rw]Jops> just a fuckin awful game
[00:51] Lovenji_OP> That game was about as close as it was fun
[00:51] Lovenji_OP> aka
[00:51] Lovenji_OP> 0
[00:51] [Rw]Jops> babo just walking around doing whatever the fuck he wants
[00:51] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[00:51] Lovenji_OP> while the other two just get a 4 stack of lites
[00:51] Lovenji_OP> great fun
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> why bother
[00:52] [Rw]Carycyn> i like lightning
[00:52] [Rw]Carycyn> :D
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> like babo, was that fun for you?
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> just ruining everyones day
[00:52] [OP]pressive_clown> not my fault they prefer stormcloud island over 4walls
[00:52] [rw]raver> if i don't have 4 lights i don't charge anything else
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> in defence of lights
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> only like 10 people used to be able to blast trick
[00:52] [Rw]Jops> so everyone charged light as second spell
[00:52] [OP]pressive_clown> loool
[00:52] [Rw]Carycyn> i cant dont know how to blast trick
[00:52] [Rw]Carycyn> still*
[00:53] Lovenji_OP> I don't know how
[00:53] [rw]raver> since when are lights not socially acceptable
[00:53] [rw]raver> ?
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> you cast the second you get hit, but i cant do it
[00:53] Lovenji_OP> still don't play stormcloud island
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> new meta for these assholes
[00:53] [Rw]Carycyn> whats stormcloud island
[00:53] [rw]raver> this is woke culture invading pop
[00:53] [rw]raver> lights are racist
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> no idea
[00:53] Lovenji_OP> Lightwars map
[00:53] [OP]pressive_clown> https://wiki.popre.net/Blast_Trick
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> yeah i've read it
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> does nothing
[00:53] [Rw]Jops> its shit
[00:54] [OP]pressive_clown> i wrote it
[00:54] [OP]pressive_clown> :(
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> damn
[00:54] Lucas> Match?
[00:54] [Rw]Jops> its a shit guide
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> it's actually wrong
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> you don't receive fall damage from 1 FW
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> fall damage is a threshhold
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> it's either 0 or 700
[00:54] [OP]pressive_clown> oh
[00:54] [OP]pressive_clown> didnt know that
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> that's why the blast trick works
[00:54] [Rw]Jops> see? babo wrote it and doesnt even get it
[00:54] Lovenji_OP> because it resets your elevation below the threshold
[00:55] [OP]pressive_clown> dont need to get how it works if i can perform it every single time
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> TBF me and Rali only know that through extensive tests
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> involving a lot of lua
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> and a lot of logging
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> lol
[00:55] mairaevelynmangino out
[00:55] [Rw]Jops> imagine what a great game that would have been without babo
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> Babo wasn't the problem
[00:55] [Rw]Carycyn> are we being babo racist now
[00:55] [Rw]Jops> everyone had 110-120 pop at one point
[00:55] [Rw]Jops> babo had 150
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> Babo didn't ruin that game for me
[00:55] [Rw]Carycyn> who did
[00:55] Lovenji_OP> Stormcloud island ruined that game for me
[00:56] [OP]pressive_clown> i didnt use lights on shamans
[00:56] [Rw]Carycyn> explain to me like im 5
[00:56] [OP]pressive_clown> its boring and slows down the game on maps like 4walls
[00:56] [Rw]Jops> yeah babo "t-rod" clown
[00:56] BrianK out
[00:56] Lovenji_OP> Being beaten by a player who is better than you is not annoying
[00:56] [Rw]Jops> I dont find lights annoying
[00:56] Lovenji_OP> being unable to fight back against a player better than you
[00:56] Lovenji_OP> because players who aren't have 4 lights
[00:56] [OP]pressive_clown> its like charging lights in 2v2 pp
[00:56] [OP]pressive_clown> :zzz:
[00:56] Lovenji_OP> is boring
[00:56] [Rw]Jops> why not just charge light and use it
[00:56] [OP]pressive_clown> mana waste
[00:56] [Rw]Carycyn> man being good at light fights its the only thing i have
[00:56] Lovenji_OP> it's a waste of mana
[00:56] [Rw]Carycyn> let me be happy
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> theres more skill in dodging light
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> [Rw]Carycyn> man being good at light fights its the only thing i have
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> same lol
[00:57] [OP]pressive_clown> well s clicks are easy to dodge
[00:57] [rw]raver> [Rw]Carycyn> man being good at light fights its the only thing i have
[00:57] [rw]raver> his
[00:57] [rw]raver> this
[00:57] [OP]pressive_clown> walk diagonal
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> you guys just arent old enough to understand
[00:57] [OP]pressive_clown> i feel old, my back always hurts
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> god damn children ruining pop
[00:57] [rw]raver> yeah back in my day we charged lights and we liked it
[00:57] [OP]pressive_clown> :(
[00:57] [rw]raver> and nobody complained
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> babo only been playing 10 years, pathetic
[00:57] [rw]raver> i can't even believe charging lights is now a complainable activity
[00:57] [Rw]Jops> he missed when there were 100+ people in here
[00:58] [Rw]Jops> and everyone charged light
[00:58] [Rw]Jops> and they affixed it to their shaman, as was the style at the time
[00:58] [OP]pressive_clown> well its not exactly fun to play vs someone who always has 4 stacks of light
[00:58] [rw]raver> if i don't charge light i will lose the game
[00:58] [OP]pressive_clown> its a tactic to bore the enemy out of the game
[00:58] [Rw]Jops> its not fun to play someone who just uses the blast trick all the time
[00:58] Lovenji_OP> I wouldn't mind that either
[00:58] [rw]raver> i am an extremely defensive player which tbh people find annoying in any competitive game or even sport
[00:58] Lovenji_OP> it's the combination of the two
[00:58] [OP]pressive_clown> blast trick is fun
[00:58] [Rw]Jops> its a tactic to bore the enemy out of the game
[00:58] [Rw]Carycyn> its not fun playing against someone whos good with warriors would be my tocix trait
[00:58] [Rw]Carycyn> toxic*
[00:58] Lovenji_OP> it's very boring to be against two people who do nothing but charge light
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> I dont understand how lights are boring and extend the game
[00:59] Lovenji_OP> while they have a good player at their back doing everything
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> but blast trick which extends fights way longer if you use it
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> isnt boring
[00:59] [GoD]Rbwilson> Anyone 1v1?
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> Lovenji_OP> while they have a good player at their back doing everything
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> thats a legit tactic though?
[00:59] [OP]pressive_clown> blast trick requires more skill than throwing s clicks
[00:59] [rw]raver> yea team effort
[00:59] Lovenji_OP> Where did I say it's not legit
[00:59] [rw]raver> do you know what
[00:59] [Rw]Carycyn> power of friendship
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> its a team game, whats wrong with 2 people handling D
[00:59] [rw]raver> ome people will just complain
[00:59] Lovenji_OP> find the part where I said it's not legit
[00:59] [rw]raver> and if there's nothing to complain about
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> lol who throws S clicks??
[00:59] Lovenji_OP> I'll wait
[00:59] [rw]raver> they will find something
[00:59] [Rw]Jops> thats like the last thing i do if i missed 3
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> idk everyone nowadays jops
[01:00] [Rw]Jops> everyone is so predictable with dodging lights
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> what was that u said earlier babo
[01:00] [rw]raver> some people*
[01:00] [Rw]Jops> walk forward to find the range
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> "lol SA lights"
[01:00] [Rw]Jops> walk back
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> :D
[01:00] Lovenji_OP> SA blast
[01:00] [Rw]Jops> walk diagonal for 3 steps
[01:00] Lovenji_OP> the lag blast
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> SA blast
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[01:00] Lovenji_OP> or the loothill blast
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> ohh was it blast
[01:00] [Rw]Jops> so you just aim in the other diag, oh shock babo walked into it
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> i only know it from loothill
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> blast was delayed af, wasnt used to it
[01:00] Lovenji_OP> on high ping you get some wonderful delayed blasts
[01:00] [OP]pressive_clown> i always die to that lmao
[01:00] Lovenji_OP> can surprise players
[01:00] [Rw]Carycyn> cool
[01:01] [Rw]Carycyn> i like that
[01:01] Lovenji_OP> because low ping people can't fire the same blast
[01:01] [Rw]Carycyn> does lucas do it too
[01:01] Lovenji_OP> Ye
[01:01] Lovenji_OP> But Loothill is the best player that does it
[01:01] [OP]pressive_clown> loothill the master of double lag blast
[01:01] Lovenji_OP> Gets a lot of shaman kills with it too
[01:01] Lovenji_OP> ye
[01:01] [OP]pressive_clown> youre like 3km out of range
[01:01] [OP]pressive_clown> then a homing missile hits your ass
[01:01] [Rw]Jops> Think im gonna get some old players and we'll play FO or craters and we'll all charge light
[01:01] [Rw]Carycyn> well you gotta give us something right
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> It's actually why loothill
[01:02] [Rw]Carycyn> playing in 200 ping
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> prefers his ping
[01:02] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> he doesn't want low ping
[01:02] [Rw]Carycyn> i do too
[01:02] [Rw]Carycyn> played my whole life in 200-300
[01:02] [OP]pressive_clown> jops you can do whatever you want, i find it less fun to play against that thats all
[01:02] [Rw]Carycyn> used to it
[01:02] [OP]pressive_clown> just like i dont like playing vs meph
[01:02] [Rw]Jops> likewise for blast trick
[01:02] [OP]pressive_clown> he just charges ghosts and lights
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> I said the game was boring
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> I did not say it wasn't legit
[01:02] [rw]raver> next time i lose i'm gonna complain that all you did was build huts
[01:02] [Rw]Jops> rofl
[01:02] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[01:02] Lovenji_OP> By all means
[01:02] [rw]raver> how boring 200 pop
[01:03] [rw]raver> yawn
[01:03] [OP]pressive_clown> i had 300
[01:03] [OP]pressive_clown> noob
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> "playing against people who build huts is just boring"
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> "i like people who just build 1 and constantly dismantle it"
[01:03] [rw]raver> yeah that's the only way i have fun
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> "its the new meta, otherwise pop gets too big and its boring"
[01:03] [OP]pressive_clown> whats your opinion on dismantle
[01:03] [rw]raver> high skill manouver
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> meh, always been used
[01:03] [Rw]Carycyn> man we now acting like true Rwers
[01:03] [Rw]Carycyn> addi would be proud
[01:03] [OP]pressive_clown> you are
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> i know right
[01:04] [OP]pressive_clown> lmao
[01:04] Lovenji_OP> I used to like the RW boys
[01:04] Lovenji_OP> Now I'm putting them on the list
[01:04] [Rw]Carycyn> zmb list
[01:04] [rw]raver> we are actually very cool and nice people
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> the list of people you want to bang?
[01:04] Lovenji_OP> No
[01:04] Lovenji_OP> the AvA list
[01:04] [OP]pressive_clown> :wow:
[01:04] [OP]pressive_clown> nice ava m8
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> "ryan reynolds, Jops... Hugh Jackman, aaaand Jackie Chan"
[01:04] Lovenji_OP> looool
[01:04] [OP]pressive_clown> did you guys know avas best player is worse than Carycyn
[01:04] [Rw]Carycyn> na
[01:04] [Rw]Carycyn> i cant beat soma
[01:04] [OP]pressive_clown> you can
[01:05] Lovenji_OP> Yeah you can
[01:05] Lovenji_OP> Soma is dogshit
[01:05] Lovenji_OP> lol
[01:05] Lovenji_OP> He just farms points on his other clannies
[01:05] [Rw]Carycyn> i still cant beat dickjumpen on a regular basis
[01:05] [Rw]Jops> man I bet Rw used to noob basg you guys so bad
[01:05] [OP]pressive_clown> well dickjumpen has a psychosis of some kind
[01:05] [OP]pressive_clown> he either plays okay, or hes absolute shit
[01:05] [Rw]Jops> I can picture Gen and Addi drowing babo whilst we all laugh
[01:05] [OP]pressive_clown> addi trained me
[01:05] [OP]pressive_clown> so ye got bashed a lot by him :D
[01:05] [OP]pressive_clown> and ra too
[01:06] [Rw]Carycyn> addi trained everyone then bullied them a min later
[01:06] Lovenji_OP> Addi trained me a little bit too lol
[01:06] [Rw]Carycyn> happened to me too
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> sames
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> I probably spent more time with gen tbf
[01:06] [OP]pressive_clown> oh i remember
[01:06] Lovenji_OP> We stole Loothill from RW
[01:06] Lovenji_OP> best move we ever made
[01:06] [OP]pressive_clown> bigbang used to noobbash me on PP 1v1
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> Addi and I were noobs together
[01:06] [Rw]Carycyn> keith trained me the most, which is why im defensive and camper af
[01:06] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> he was griffin, we played loads of games
[01:06] [OP]pressive_clown> i started playing with mammy and bella
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> back in 06/07...
[01:07] [OP]pressive_clown> these were my noob days
[01:07] Lovenji_OP> oh damn
[01:07] Lovenji_OP> babo playing the bellottery
[01:07] [Rw]Jops> how old are you 2
[01:07] Lovenji_OP> 12
[01:07] [OP]pressive_clown> 26 i think
[01:07] [Rw]Jops> you think?
[01:07] [OP]pressive_clown> yes 26
[01:07] [Rw]Carycyn> you act like 13, very mature
[01:07] [Rw]Carycyn> :p
[01:07] [OP]pressive_clown> had to calculate
[01:07] Lovenji_OP> Thanks
[01:07] Lovenji_OP> I practice
[01:07] [Rw]Carycyn> more mature than dickjumpen anyways
[01:07] [Rw]Carycyn> whos like 30
[01:07] [Rw]Jops> Nah lovenji got the voice of either an adult or a chainsmoker
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> no way hes 30
[01:08] guitaryente in
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> he is
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> lmfao
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> from one of the poorer parts of england
[01:08] Lovenji_OP> Dickjumpen is 31 ye
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> he said 31 i think a few days ago
[01:08] [rw]raver> if he's 30 there's no hope
[01:08] [rw]raver> that's high level autism
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> ???? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> fr fr
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> babo
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> I reckon Lovenji is.... 25
[01:08] [rw]raver> irreversible autism
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> i didnt donate to u this month
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> it went somewhere else
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> who didnt even notice
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> wow
[01:08] [Rw]Carycyn> sad
[01:08] [rw]raver> terminal autism
[01:08] Lovenji_OP> I told you
[01:08] Lovenji_OP> I'm 12
[01:08] [OP]pressive_clown> do you feel good now
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> Yeahhh but i know your not
[01:09] [OP]pressive_clown> not supporting a pop player
[01:09] [Rw]Carycyn> he is a pop player
[01:09] Lovenji_OP> How old am I then
[01:09] [Rw]Carycyn> who is here rn
[01:09] [OP]pressive_clown> damn
[01:09] [OP]pressive_clown> im poor man
[01:09] [Rw]Jops> not 12
[01:09] [Rw]Carycyn> wait til june then
[01:09] Lovenji_OP> ok you got me
[01:09] [OP]pressive_clown> i live on the street i always play at mcdonalds
[01:09] Lovenji_OP> I'm 13
[01:09] [Rw]Carycyn> i wont donate again to this twitch
[01:09] [Rw]Jops> what you do for a job
[01:09] Lovenji_OP> Mum won't let me work
[01:09] Lovenji_OP> says I have to focus on school
[01:09] [OP]pressive_clown> he doesnt work he sucks dick for rent :lmao:
[01:10] [Rw]Jops> i'll give you a job
[01:10] Lovenji_OP> I'm not sucking your dick
[01:10] [Rw]Jops> I assume you have some coding talent, I need a new developer
[01:10] [OP]pressive_clown> steve blowjobs
[01:10] [OP]pressive_clown> i also need a dev, i want to make my own matchmaker
[01:10] Lovenji_OP> I know a great developer you can ask
[01:10] [Rw]Carycyn> well guys
[01:10] Lovenji_OP> claude.ai
[01:10] [Rw]Carycyn> i had fun today
[01:10] [Rw]Carycyn> even when i lost on pp
[01:10] Lovenji_OP> I didn't
[01:11] [rw]raver> OP]pressive_clown> i also need a dev, i want to make my own matchmaker
[01:11] [rw]raver> why
[01:11] [OP]pressive_clown> claude is not available in germany, what a joke country
[01:11] [Rw]Jops> good point cary
[01:11] [rw]raver> the playerbase is already like 20
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> why not
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> pls dont call me cary
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> its weird
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> im alan
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> Alien
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> i should change back to Ninety
[01:11] [OP]pressive_clown> raver: i want to make my own rules with nuclear options and some roman emperor ranks
[01:11] [Rw]Jops> lol, you should be ninety
[01:11] [rw]raver> fair enough
[01:11] [Rw]Jops> classic styles
[01:11] [rw]raver> sounds cool
[01:11] [Rw]Jops> but
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> Qaestor
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> oh
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> or Lavezzi, but he went from football player to drug addict
[01:11] [Rw]Carycyn> so idk
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> this RW younglings
[01:11] Garbageman> are you the alan that made popfix
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> don't know the drama
[01:11] Lovenji_OP> do they babo
[01:12] [Rw]Carycyn> no
[01:12] [Rw]Jops> fuck you all for ruining my evening. I hope you choke on a peanut
[01:12] [OP]pressive_clown> probably not
[01:12] [Rw]Carycyn> isnt that ALACN
[01:12] [Rw]Jops> except for alan and raver who are great and i love
[01:12] [OP]pressive_clown> RWs do you know the story of Leaf?
[01:12] [rw]raver> :)
[01:12] [Rw]Carycyn> no
[01:12] [Rw]Jops> nah
[01:12] Garbageman> oh yea lol
[01:12] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[01:12] [Rw]Jops> dont even know who leaf is
[01:12] [Rw]Carycyn> same
[01:12] Lovenji_OP> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710946933363179553/1238312855959371797/image.png?ex=663ed437&is=663d82b7&hm=6030ba551d8cd7319fc1ddcf6f0d7f4a4fb395f2555a0107b086aca9ebff4bf0&
[01:12] [Rw]Carycyn> pls tell
[01:12] [rw]raver> one day there was a guy and then it turned out he was a massive faggot. the end
[01:12] Lovenji_OP> See if you can even make it to the end of that
[01:12] [OP]pressive_clown> he is indeed gay
[01:12] [OP]pressive_clown> or pansexual idk
[01:12] [Rw]Jops> aww lovenji is 31, man you came to pop late
[01:13] Lovenji_OP> I'm actually not 31
[01:13] [Rw]Carycyn> couldnt get past the first sentence
[01:13] [Rw]Carycyn> way too friday
[01:13] [Rw]Jops> lol wtffff
[01:13] Lovenji_OP> I have a dream
[01:13] [Rw]Jops> same
[01:13] Lovenji_OP> and that dream is that "Keep me logged in" will one day keep me logged in
[01:13] [OP]pressive_clown> TL;DR leaf wanted to become popre admin, inca turned him down and he went crazy and spent 20k to build his own matchmaker which never had more than 10 active players
[01:14] [OP]pressive_clown> gg
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> nonono
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> spent 20k
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> hahahahaha
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> you missed a very important part of that
[01:14] [Rw]Carycyn> theres no way he spent 20k
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> Inca didn't turn him down
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> why... how
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> how do you spend 20k
[01:14] [OP]pressive_clown> oh right
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> inca didn't reply in 24 hours because they needed to discuss it
[01:14] [Rw]Jops out
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> and he couldn't wait that long
[01:14] Lovenji_OP> and freaked out
[01:15] Lovenji_OP> and then he went crazy
[01:15] Lovenji_OP> I think the actual figure is about 12,000 USD
[01:15] [Rw]Carycyn> well i assume
[01:15] [Rw]Carycyn> i he did actually spend that money
[01:15] [rw]raver> why did it cost 12k?
[01:15] [Rw]Carycyn> hes fucking rich
[01:15] [rw]raver> what are the costs involved in that
[01:15] [Rw]Carycyn> if*
[01:15] [OP]pressive_clown> actually
[01:15] [OP]pressive_clown> hes broke broke
[01:15] Lovenji_OP> Because the developer he hired basically saw fresh meat
[01:15] [OP]pressive_clown> guy never worked in his entire life
[01:15] [rw]raver> ah
[01:15] Lovenji_OP> Tannerin bent him over the coals
[01:15] Lovenji_OP> leaf has no idea about dev
[01:15] [OP]pressive_clown> he literally sucked dicks to pay rent
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> and went to the first contractor he found
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> and you know how that story goes
[01:16] [OP]pressive_clown> well sucked off his housemates so he doesnt have to pay
[01:16] [rw]raver> 12k is crazy
[01:16] [Rw]Carycyn> and who even play there
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> 5k initial
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> then payments to tox
[01:16] [rw]raver> people do
[01:16] [OP]pressive_clown> no one plays there :lmao:
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> then payments to support
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> and repatch
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> then more payments for 3.0
[01:16] [Rw]Carycyn> this is warg all over again
[01:16] [rw]raver> i joined it yesterday. there are people in there
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> then google ads which he was running
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> it is about 12k
[01:16] [OP]pressive_clown> did he dm you raver
[01:16] [rw]raver> i bet they're all shit at pop
[01:16] [OP]pressive_clown> yea
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> Riley is pretty gud
[01:16] Lovenji_OP> but yeah
[01:17] [rw]raver> nah someone mentioned it so i was curious
[01:17] [AvA]Soma- out
[01:17] [OP]pressive_clown> dont think riley still plays there?
[01:17] [Rw]Carycyn> lorddeath is from there?
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> Just him and matt i bet lol
[01:17] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[01:17] Lovenji_OP> Yeah
[01:17] [Rw]Carycyn> ban
[01:17] Lovenji_OP> That's why he's good
[01:17] [OP]pressive_clown> matt is banned from it
[01:17] Lovenji_OP> came over from there
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> No way
[01:17] Lovenji_OP> Got trained by playing against Babo and venom
[01:17] Lovenji_OP> iirc
[01:17] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> So hr cant play pop anywhere? Rofl
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> Hate that guy
[01:18] Lovenji_OP> he faked cancer to get unbanned
[01:18] Lovenji_OP> just the other day
[01:18] Lovenji_OP> needless to say
[01:18] Lovenji_OP> it didn't work
[01:18] [Rw]Carycyn> i actually feel for matt, hes a dick, but i played loads with him and sometimes helped me with pop
[01:18] [Rw]Jops> Why would it lol
[01:18] Lovenji_OP> I don't feel for anyone who fakes cancer
[01:18] [Rw]Jops> What a moron
[01:18] [Rw]Carycyn> well i agree
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> but
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> no, no buts
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> we did play a LOT
[01:19] [OP]pressive_clown> guy is a necrophile pedophile psycopath
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> I don't feel for anyone who fakes that shit
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> no buts
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> not even big butts
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> fine
[01:19] [Rw]Jops> Hitler sometimes helped small german families
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> hes a dick
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> ill leave it there
[01:19] [OP]pressive_clown> no
[01:19] [OP]pressive_clown> dicks can be nice
[01:19] [Rw]Carycyn> ill pass
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[01:19] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> Babooooo
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> Your bi is showing
[01:19] Lovenji_OP> lol
[01:19] [OP]pressive_clown> careful
[01:20] [Rw]Jops> I dont think ýýý aww poor Hitler he was misunderstood ýýý
[01:20] [OP]pressive_clown> hella gay man
[01:20] [rw]raver out
[01:20] [rw]raver in
[01:20] [rw]raver out
[01:20] [Rw]Raver in
[01:20] [OP]pressive_clown> im pretty sure matt has some kind of mental disorder
[01:20] Lovenji_OP> You can look back on memories fondly and still think "He deserved that"
[01:20] [Rw]Raver> ey i leveled up :o
[01:20] [Rw]Carycyn> damn
[01:20] [Rw]Carycyn> brave
[01:20] [OP]pressive_clown> no mentally sane person would do the stuff he did
[01:20] [Rw]Carycyn> pro shit
[01:21] [Rw]Raver> :D
[01:21] [OP]pressive_clown> lovenji go to bed brah
[01:21] Unpredictable out
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> The Nuclear Option
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> Nah man
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> you made me angry
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> can't sleep while this pissed off
[01:21] [Rw]Carycyn> lets go one more then
[01:21] [OP]pressive_clown> loool
[01:21] [OP]pressive_clown> 1v1 pp
[01:21] [Rw]Carycyn> love and babo vs raver and me
[01:21] [Rw]Jops> Im going cos babo made me cry
[01:21] [OP]pressive_clown> you owned me on sess though so its even
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> do it
[01:21] Lovenji_OP> no balls
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> what map though
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> ?
[01:22] [Rw]Jops> Yes but i lost all of them babo!!!
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> you can pick map
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> any map
[01:22] [OP]pressive_clown> youre the owner of apple
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> pp too stressful
[01:22] [OP]pressive_clown> you won in life
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> do something more chill
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> is late
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> Any map you want
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> pick
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> idk any maps
[01:22] [Rw]Jops> Thats true i am killing it in life
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> cary?
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> sorry
[01:22] [Rw]Carycyn> lets go full old school
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> ALAN
[01:22] [OP]pressive_clown> dead sea
[01:22] [Rw]Carycyn> face fucking off
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> yes
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> cool
[01:22] [Rw]Raver> im in
[01:22] [OP]pressive_clown> lol the worst of all maps
[01:22] Lovenji_OP> lol I knew you'd say that
[01:23] [Rw]Raver> dont charge lights though
[01:23] Lovenji_OP> and I knew babo would bitch about it
[01:23] [Rw]Raver> might as well disable it in the settings
[01:23] [Rw]Carycyn> im awful on it too
[01:23] [OP]pressive_clown> its ok ill show them how fo is played
[01:23] [OP]pressive_clown> lets go
[01:23] [Rw]Carycyn> oooo so scary
[01:23] Lovenji_OP> who allies on fo
[01:23] [OP]pressive_clown> blue green
[01:23] Lovenji_OP> blue green?
[01:23] [Rw]Raver> yea
[01:23] [Rw]Raver> thats most fair
[01:25] [GoD]Rbwilson> +1
[01:30] RessurectioN_TAS out
[01:41] Lucas> Match?
[01:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye lucas
[01:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> need you here if you dont mind
[01:43] Lovenji_OP> i went
[01:43] Lovenji_OP> 2 and 9
[01:43] [Rw]Carycyn> gg
[01:44] [Rw]Carycyn> gotta make dinner sorry cant RM cr8s rn
[01:44] Lovenji_OP> lol
[01:44] [OP]pressive_clown> cr8s :nice:
[01:44] [OP]pressive_clown> good map
[01:44] Lovenji_OP> I like cr8s
[01:44] Lovenji_OP> cr8s, tot, pp
[01:44] [OP]pressive_clown> fo is literal trash, idk how people can like it
[01:44] Lovenji_OP> great TB maps
[01:44] [OP]pressive_clown> i like all TB maps besides FO
[01:44] Lovenji_OP> even
[01:45] Lovenji_OP> multiple choice?
[01:45] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[01:45] [OP]pressive_clown> damn lovenji got 14 points for winning sess
[01:45] [OP]pressive_clown> gg brah
[01:45] Lovenji_OP> i fucking deserved those points
[01:45] Lovenji_OP> you made me work so hard
[01:45] Lovenji_OP> that game
[01:45] [Rw]Carycyn> 50 mins sess game
[01:45] [OP]pressive_clown> :poggers: preacher again
[01:46] [Rw]Carycyn> literal torture
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> hhhh
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> i hate it
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> i don't want to be preacher
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> I'm not ready
[01:46] [Rw]Carycyn> can we agree fo > sess
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> No
[01:46] [OP]pressive_clown> no
[01:46] [OP]pressive_clown> fo > wom
[01:46] Lovenji_OP> sess isn't broken by LB
[01:46] [OP]pressive_clown> ill give you that
[01:46] [Rw]Carycyn> fine
[01:46] [OP]pressive_clown> at least in 1.5
[01:46] [Rw]Carycyn> i can live with wom being out of meta
[01:46] [Rw]Carycyn> fucking awful map
[01:46] [OP]pressive_clown> ye its cringe
[01:47] Lovenji_OP> someone show Carycyn 8p WoM
[01:47] Lovenji_OP> LOLOLOL
[01:47] [OP]pressive_clown> lmfao
[01:47] [OP]pressive_clown> dude i remembered why it was so succesful
[01:47] [Rw]Carycyn> rather kill myself
[01:47] Lovenji_OP> Because we spent ages
[01:47] Lovenji_OP> working on it
[01:47] [OP]pressive_clown> it was because inca broke LB so badly you couldnt use it anymore
[01:47] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[01:47] [OP]pressive_clown> so we sticked to flatten only maps like wom and ses
[01:47] [OP]pressive_clown> lol
[01:47] [Rw]Carycyn> oh hey im a bit close to priest too
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> was spy a week ago
[01:48] [OP]pressive_clown> im close too
[01:48] [OP]pressive_clown> 180 points to go
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> i wanna be priest so people will let me play ygg again
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> :(
[01:48] Lovenji_OP> I lost fucking
[01:48] Lovenji_OP> 8 points
[01:48] Lovenji_OP> 4 points
[01:48] [Rw]Carycyn> best map nowadays
[01:48] Lovenji_OP> I dunno why I said 8
[01:48] [OP]pressive_clown> PP so fun
[01:48] Lovenji_OP> to Carycyn and me dicking around
[01:49] [OP]pressive_clown> best map
[01:49] Lovenji_OP> on way
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> trod told me a few days ago
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> "hey carycyn youre a good pp ally"
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> ahvent been allowed to play ygg since then
[01:49] [OP]pressive_clown> :wow:
[01:49] Lovenji_OP> Did he tell you that and mean it
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> i think it was sarcasm
[01:49] Lovenji_OP> or did he tell you that as meme
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> well i asked him
[01:49] [OP]pressive_clown> well it depends if you have high skill players in the hut its hard to join
[01:49] [Rw]Carycyn> sarcasm?@
[01:50] [Rw]Carycyn> and he said no
[01:50] [Rw]Carycyn> so i dunno
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> lol
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> You say that
[01:50] [OP]pressive_clown> but there is fw rank yggdratom games too you can easily join these
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> but shogun never has issue joining
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> :kekw:
[01:50] [Rw]Carycyn> which blows my mind
[01:50] [Rw]Carycyn> why people want to play with him
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> They don't want to play with him
[01:50] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> they just do
[01:50] [OP]pressive_clown> shogun lol guy plays like shaman rank in on egame and the next 15 he plays worse than a wood pile
[01:50] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[01:51] [OP]pressive_clown> i dont get this guy
[01:51] [OP]pressive_clown> its like he has 13 brothers playing his account
[01:51] [OP]pressive_clown> i still think we should introduce a wildcard account
[01:51] [OP]pressive_clown> where everyone in top 20 has access to
[01:51] [OP]pressive_clown> and you can just play anonymously
[01:51] Lovenji_OP> Well
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> top 20 includes HW
[01:52] [OP]pressive_clown> yes
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> so you know when the account plays like it's blind
[01:52] [OP]pressive_clown> russian roulette
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> you know it's him
[01:52] [OP]pressive_clown> would be funny though i think
[01:52] [OP]pressive_clown> kinda like invis cup
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> your idea of funny
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> is very different to mine
[01:52] [OP]pressive_clown> lool
[01:52] Lovenji_OP> person slipping on ice = funny
[01:53] [OP]pressive_clown> haha
[01:53] [OP]pressive_clown> idiot broke his arm
[01:53] [OP]pressive_clown> what a loser
[01:53] Lovenji_OP> Especially because 90% of the people who slip on ice
[01:53] Lovenji_OP> their first instinct
[01:53] Lovenji_OP> is to take out the nearest person with them
[01:53] [OP]pressive_clown> lol
[01:53] Lovenji_OP> It's unironically my favourite thing about christmas
[01:53] Lovenji_OP> A month of Instagram videos of people falling over
[01:54] [Rw]Carycyn> [21:50] [OP]pressive_clown> shogun lol guy plays like shaman rank in on egame and the next 15 he plays worse than a wood pile
[01:54] [Rw]Carycyn> do those 15 include the ones he eqs his own allies
[01:54] Lovenji_OP> Inca banned him for a week for volcing him once
[01:54] Lovenji_OP> It was the best week we ever had
[01:54] [Rw]Carycyn> man ive been around here since 2006
[01:55] [Rw]Carycyn> inca has never answered a question to me
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> Made funnier because
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> Shogun did the whole I'm quitting thing
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> expecting a Free Matt movement
[01:55] [Rw]Carycyn> rofl
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> and everyone was like, this is great
[01:55] [Rw]Carycyn> deluded
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> [01:55] [Rw]Carycyn> inca has never answered a question to me
[01:55] Lovenji_OP> Have you ever asked him a serious question
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> yes
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> both serious and not serious
[01:56] Lovenji_OP> Maybe he doesn't like you
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> also 1:55
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> he doesnt
[01:56] Icefire out
[01:56] Lovenji_OP> Yeah it's 1:55
[01:56] Lovenji_OP> whaat of it
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> id be dead in bed
[01:56] [Rw]Carycyn> if i were u
[01:56] Lovenji_OP> During covid
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> we were up until 4am
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> every night
[01:57] Garbageman out
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> hanging with Ice
[01:57] [Rw]Carycyn> yeah i did too, but playing dota
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> and Marcus
[01:57] [Rw]Carycyn> i didnt come back here during that time
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> watching cam streams
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> and being memes
[01:57] [Rw]Carycyn> which i regret a bit
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> COVID pop was pretty great
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> it's when I started tournaments
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> Bunch of people came back
[01:57] Lovenji_OP> Addi was around all the time being a fucking clown :')
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn> u should do a tournament like this
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn> let me get the link
[01:58] [OP]pressive_clown> watch him link invis cup
[01:58] [OP]pressive_clown> :nice:
[01:58] Lovenji_OP> Right
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn> [21:50] [OP]pressive_clown> shogun lol guy plays like shaman rank in on egame and the next 15 he plays worse than a wood pile
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn> oops wrong copy paste
[01:58] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[01:58] Lovenji_OP> Nice link
[01:58] [OP]pressive_clown> yes the shogun 15 personality tourney was my favourite aswell
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> https://clanasgard.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1934
[01:59] Lovenji_OP> Ewwwwwwww
[01:59] [OP]pressive_clown> asgard :aintnoway:
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> yes, screw AsG
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> i agree
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> but tourney was fun
[01:59] [OP]pressive_clown> you know the tourney is bad when asg wins :lmao:
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> guy who finished 5th
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> pro as shit
[01:59] [Rw]Carycyn> even better than HW nowadays
[02:00] [Rw]Carycyn> yes, i have an obscure past in tdm
[02:00] [Rw]Carycyn> [TDM]Kwyjibo 10 - 4 [AsG]MentiX (27/02/08)
[02:00] [Rw]Carycyn> owned
[02:00] [OP]pressive_clown> lol id win this tourney so easy nowadays
[02:00] [OP]pressive_clown> if its just blast
[02:01] [Rw]Carycyn> i did well by spamming ghost army, make them walk around my shaman
[02:01] [Rw]Carycyn> and then shaman clicking
[02:01] [OP]pressive_clown> so it was lights too?
[02:01] [Rw]Carycyn> yes
[02:02] [Rw]Carycyn> i think Bubbles was tundar
[02:02] [OP]pressive_clown> eww
[02:02] [OP]pressive_clown> i know that map
[02:02] [OP]pressive_clown> its terrible
[02:02] [Rw]Carycyn> i only remember it being a huge arena in the mid
[02:02] [OP]pressive_clown> if you want a shaman skill cup take the blue-green or yellow-red PP strip
[02:02] [OP]pressive_clown> thats where shit gets real
[02:02] Lovenji_OP> I probably
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> Wouldn't waste my time with shaman skills tournament
[02:03] [Rw]Carycyn> sad
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> too many people got too many excuses
[02:03] [Rw]Carycyn> ud rather waste it with a tourney that includes priests
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> it'd be a tournament marred by
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> "If it was 1.01..."
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> Preachers are in fact, the best unit in the game
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> so
[02:03] Lovenji_OP> yes
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> they are just fun to listen to while doing their stuff
[02:04] Lovenji_OP> Also i refuse to touch blast wars until inca and tyler look at blasts
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> whos tyler
[02:04] Lovenji_OP> big gay fox
[02:04] Lovenji_OP> Brandan
[02:04] Lovenji_OP> 1.5 'lead' dev
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> thats an interesting Linkedin definition
[02:04] [Rw]Carycyn> Brandan, big gay fox at PopÑRe
[02:05] [Rw]Carycyn> Pop:Re
[02:05] [Rw]Carycyn> sorry for SA
[02:05] Lovenji_OP> If only you knew how accurate I was
[02:05] Lovenji_OP> He started work on 1.5
[02:05] Lovenji_OP> then became a mega furry
[02:05] [Rw]Carycyn> thats what pop does to you i guess
[02:05] Lovenji_OP> You either become a furry or end up in prison like Moores
[02:06] [Rw]Raver> why's moores in prison
[02:06] [Rw]Raver> ?
[02:06] Lovenji_OP> Drug dealing
[02:06] Lovenji_OP> repeat offense too
[02:06] [Rw]Raver> fair enough so not an actual crime
[02:06] Lovenji_OP> so he got 16 years
[02:06] Lovenji_OP> Depends on your stance
[02:06] [Rw]Raver> murder rape assault
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> actual crimes
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> drug dealing
[02:07] Lovenji_OP> dealing crack ruins lives so I consider it a crime
[02:07] Lovenji_OP> dealing weed is w/e
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> selling something to people who want to buy it fully consentual
[02:07] Lovenji_OP> but crack fucks people up
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> people fuck themselves up with crack
[02:07] [AvA]Mibbel out
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> it's not the drugs it's the person
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> i was addicted to cocaine and alcohol for 10 years
[02:07] [OP]pressive_clown> iots an addiction you cant controll it at some point
[02:07] [OP]pressive_clown> without help
[02:07] [Rw]Raver> i don't blame the drugs
[02:07] Lovenji_OP> You can't do that tho
[02:08] Lovenji_OP> you can't take your situation and say it applies to every addict ever
[02:08] Lovenji_OP> that's blanketing
[02:08] [Rw]Raver> of course not but i understand the addiction process is all i'm saying. it's a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with unresolved trauma
[02:08] [OP]pressive_clown> dealing hard drugs absolutely deserves punishment
[02:08] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[02:08] [Rw]Raver> and the drugs make the pain go away
[02:08] Lovenji_OP> For sure
[02:08] Lovenji_OP> But the dealers profiteer on that
[02:09] [OP]pressive_clown> shit its later
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> it's a crime as far as I'm concerned
[02:09] [OP]pressive_clown> ill go to bed
[02:09] [Rw]Raver> sure
[02:09] [OP]pressive_clown> :gn:
[02:09] [Rw]Raver> 16 years in prison though
[02:09] [OP]pressive_clown out
[02:09] [Rw]Raver> ruthless
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> Well it's his trhird arrest
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> for same offense
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> so he had the slaps on the write
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> wrist*
[02:09] [Rw]Raver> what a naughty boy
[02:09] Lovenji_OP> Now they just throw the book at him
[02:10] Lovenji_OP> https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/encrochat-drug-trafficker-used-dark-22820231
[02:10] Lovenji_OP> The slippers man
[02:10] Lovenji_OP> I love they focussed on the slippers
[02:10] [Rw]Raver> lol nice pic
[02:10] [Rw]Raver> "Among the items seized from him were personalised bath robes, flannels and slippers embroidered with 'Mooresy'."
[02:11] [Rw]Carycyn> roflll
[02:11] Lovenji_OP> Yeah man
[02:11] Lovenji_OP> you know you've hit a big time dealer when he's got the slippers
[02:11] [Rw]Carycyn> moores probably the biggest game quiter in this game
[02:11] [Rw]Carycyn> 2nd to dickjumpen
[02:11] [Rw]Raver> what an absolute meme
[02:11] Lovenji_OP> I wish I could find the youtube video
[02:11] Lovenji_OP> there was a youtube video about the arrest
[02:12] Lovenji_OP> and babo left a comment on it saying "Damn moores got S-Clicked by the cops"
[02:13] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[02:14] Lovenji_OP> Nobody hated lites like Moores did
[02:14] Lovenji_OP> He actually joined discord for a short while with a smuggled phone
[02:14] Lovenji_OP> his cell mate told him to stop because the other prisoners would think he's a nerd
[02:14] [Rw]Carycyn> i do remember killing moores a lot with lights
[02:15] Lovenji_OP> We told him about the no s-click script and he creamed his prison overalls
[02:16] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[02:16] [Rw]Raver> pop is such a weird culture of people
[02:16] [Rw]Raver> there's nothing like it
[02:16] Lovenji_OP> It's both beautiful
[02:16] Lovenji_OP> and infuriating
[02:17] [Rw]Raver> i love it man
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> I love it until I don't
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> Then I hate it until I don't
[02:17] [Rw]Raver> when you don't you can just log out lol
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> rinse, repeat
[02:17] [Rw]Carycyn> quit for 14 years
[02:17] [Rw]Carycyn> like i did
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> I got why everyone was saying quitting is normal
[02:17] [Rw]Carycyn> its still gonna be here
[02:17] [Rw]Raver> in 10 years it'll be here still
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> I quit like 6 months in and everyone's like
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> you'll be back
[02:17] Lovenji_OP> know it all fuckers
[02:18] [Rw]Raver> yeah you can't leave
[02:18] [Rw]Carycyn> in 2006 people were already saying
[02:18] [Rw]Carycyn> pop dying in 6 months
[02:18] Lovenji_OP> Sadly, it probably will die in our lifetime
[02:18] Lovenji_OP> But I'll enjoy it while it lasts
[02:19] [Rw]Carycyn> make some friends along the way
[02:19] Lovenji_OP> That's the plan
[02:19] [Rw]Carycyn> have had jops in fb/ig since 2008 or so
[02:19] [Rw]Carycyn> he told me to come bacl
[02:20] [Rw]Carycyn> back
[02:20] [Rw]Carycyn> same with keith
[02:20] Lovenji_OP> Already shared a drink with Marcus, Ice, Tundar, Babo
[02:20] Lovenji_OP> and Would again
[02:20] [Rw]Carycyn> got a few more people but u dont know em probably
[02:20] [Rw]Carycyn> like powerof3
[02:20] Lovenji_OP> I know Po3
[02:20] [Rw]Raver> when did you start lovenji?
[02:20] Lovenji_OP> 31/12/2019
[02:20] [Rw]Raver> wow
[02:21] [Rw]Carycyn> po3 is great, hes the first one who paid attention to me when i was a wildie
[02:21] [Rw]Carycyn> great guy
[02:21] Lovenji_OP> Played the single player on twitch once
[02:21] Lovenji_OP> had a DM from Nici like 2 days later
[02:21] Lovenji_OP> saying yo popre is a thing
[02:21] [Rw]Raver> man i was shit until addi and salty taught me how to play
[02:21] Lovenji_OP> Addi used to fucking
[02:21] Lovenji_OP> kill me in 1v1 pp torns only
[02:22] Lovenji_OP> he'd teach me while he was doing it
[02:22] Lovenji_OP> but damn was it fucking funny
[02:22] [Rw]Raver> me addi and salty used to triple people on fo. pretend it was 2v2 and then take hill and triple volcano
[02:22] [Rw]Raver> ruthless but so funny at the time
[02:23] Lovenji_OP> idk what it was about addi
[02:23] [Rw]Raver> used to do it to new players
[02:23] Lovenji_OP> he'd piss you off and make you laugh at the same time
[02:23] [Rw]Raver> literal second ever match
[02:24] Lovenji_OP> alright I'm defeated, going to bed
[02:24] Lovenji_OP> :poof:
[02:24] Lovenji_OP out
[02:25] [Rw]Raver> rip
[02:26] [Rw]Raver> would be crazy if this got more active
[02:26] [Rw]Raver> imagine if a big streamer discovered it
[02:26] [Rw]Raver> and 50000 people started playing
[02:26] [Rw]Raver> could happen any time
[02:26] Lovenji_OP> Craig tried that
[02:27] Lovenji_OP> he did that collab with GamerZakh or whatever his name was
[02:27] Lovenji_OP> nobody came over
[02:27] Lovenji_OP> looool
[02:27] [Rw]Raver> lol
[02:28] Lovenji_OP> 205k subs, lol
[02:29] [Rw]Raver> you have to be a certain type of person to come here
[02:31] [Rw]Carycyn> Drug dealer of gay fox
[02:31] [Rw]Carycyn> Or
[02:42] Lovenji_OP> Which are you Alan
[02:43] [Rw]Carycyn> I'm the odd one out i guess
[02:43] [Rw]Carycyn> Im not even close to drugs or furrys
[02:44] Lovenji_OP> I dabbled in alcoholism
[02:44] Lovenji_OP> But never anything hardee
[02:44] [Rw]Carycyn> Closest i am to drugs is Whiskey
[02:45] Lovenji_OP> I think 90% of the people who come here are fucked in some way
[02:45] Lovenji_OP> I like to think it's why it's so weird here
[02:46] [Rw]Carycyn> I just really didnt like going out in 2006
[02:46] [Rw]Carycyn> Still don't, but gf forces me to
[02:46] [Rw]Carycyn> Thankfully
[02:47] Lovenji_OP> That's a mood
[02:47] Lovenji_OP> I was bedbound in 2020, get the strength to leave my bed and what do I do with it? Come back to pop
[02:48] [Rw]Raver> yeah fuck going outside
[02:48] [Rw]Raver> have you been out there lately
[02:48] [Rw]Raver> it's like it's been specifically designed to drain you of your life force
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> absolute robot wars
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> NPCs walking around in a daze
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> mindlessly eating
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> try smile at a stranger in the street they don't know what to do
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> it's like it causes a malfunction in the programming
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> maybe i'm just ugly
[02:49] [Rw]Carycyn> remind me where youre from terror
[02:49] [Rw]Raver> portsmouth uk
[02:50] [Rw]Carycyn> theres auroras in portsmouth?
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> apparently this weekend
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> i haven't seen it though
[02:50] [Rw]Carycyn> thats crazy
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> yeah
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> my mate saw it and he's in winchester
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> he sent pics
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> looks insane
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> pink arurora
[02:50] Lovenji_OP> Yeah sometimes you can see auroras from the UK
[02:50] Lovenji_OP> But it's rarer
[02:50] [Rw]Carycyn> i read somewhere 2024 is like the best year to see auroras in a lot of time
[02:50] [Rw]Raver> last time apparently was 2005
[02:51] Lovenji_OP> It's really rare yeah
[02:51] [Rw]Raver> i hope i get blessed with seeing it
[02:52] Lovenji_OP> Go Finland
[02:52] [Rw]Carycyn> its an amazing experience
[02:52] [Rw]Carycyn> ive been to iceland and norway chasing them
[02:52] [Rw]Raver> mate i'm not going to finland it's cold enough in england
[02:52] [Rw]Raver> maybe one day i will
[02:52] Lovenji_OP> It's fucking 24 degrees right now. BBQs out
[02:52] Lovenji_OP> Until next week
[02:53] [Rw]Raver> yeah it's nice atm
[02:53] [Rw]Raver> makes it nice to work
[02:53] [Rw]Raver> delivering uber eats on my bike lol
[02:53] [Rw]Carycyn> 6 here rn i think
[02:53] Lovenji_OP> Oh a job that gets you out ye
[02:53] [Rw]Raver> yeah keeps me active
[02:53] Lovenji_OP> Office work much less fun
[02:53] [Rw]Raver> i do 25 miles a day on average
[02:53] Lovenji_OP> In this weather
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> yeah i bet
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> i worked in an office once
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> for a year
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> nightmare zone
[02:54] [Rw]Carycyn> free pizzas when results are better than expected tho!
[02:54] Lovenji_OP> You the one Uber eats rider actually riding a bike when it says bike
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> that sentence made me sad
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> how bleak
[02:54] [Rw]Raver> lol
[02:55] [Rw]Raver> "The corporate overlords are most pleased with your offering of blood, sweat and life force energy. Please enjoy this baked cheese disc that you humans seem to so much enjoy"
[02:55] [Rw]Carycyn> lolll
[02:55] [Rw]Carycyn> accurate
[02:56] [Rw]Raver> Yeah I ride a bike
[02:56] [Rw]Raver> Not electric either
[02:56] [Rw]Raver> Fully organic lol
[02:56] Lovenji_OP> Nice. Last bike that delivered my food to me looked a lot like a Mondeo
[02:56] [Rw]Raver> lol
[02:57] [Rw]Raver> It's a fun way to make money
[02:57] [Rw]Raver> Just mooching about
[02:57] Lovenji_OP> I'd honestly do it if I didn't need a lot of money
[02:57] [Rw]Raver> Needs are an illusion :D
[02:57] [Rw]Raver> The Tao will always provide
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> There's profundity in that revelation
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> If you can align with THAT, you are infinite and unstoppable
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> Fearless
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> Multidimensional
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> Infinite
[02:58] [Rw]Raver> Idk how to do cool glasses emoji so this sentence is that emoji
[02:58] [Rw]Carycyn> :cool:
[02:59] [Rw]Raver> Thanks
[02:59] [Rw]Carycyn> worth a try
[02:59] Lovenji_OP> You tripping
[02:59] [Rw]Raver> No
[02:59] [Rw]Raver> Lol
[02:59] [Rw]Raver> I'm always like this
[03:00] Lovenji_OP> Alrighty
[03:01] Lovenji_OP> I tried spiritualism and ended up the opposite
[03:01] Lovenji_OP> Live in a material world with material problems and material solutions. No amount of zen made my debt go away. Hard work did
[03:01] [Rw]Raver> You don't try spiritualism. It is only by grace that it finds you
[03:02] [Rw]Raver> You cannot force it
[03:02] [Rw]Raver> The act of seeking it actually pushes it further away
[03:03] [Rw]Raver> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQ56LepuxwY&t=419s&pp=ygUKamltIG5ld21hbg%3D%3D
[03:03] [Rw]Raver> It's not something that can be quantified logically
[03:03] Lovenji_OP> The water down Portsmouth must be great
[03:04] [Rw]Raver> Language is a poor tool of expression where this is concerned
[03:04] [Rw]Raver> I distill my water
[03:06] [D]ClownConcern> shut up and go to bed nerds :poof:
[03:06] [D]ClownConcern> finally free of macca :)
[03:06] [D]ClownConcern out
[03:13] ExLordDeath out
[03:14] [Rw]Carycyn> Not just yet
[03:14] [Rw]Carycyn> Macca might come back soon
[03:15] [Rw]Carycyn> Hes in our brand new Rw discord and we are trying to convicne him
[03:16] [Rw]Carycyn out
[03:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> i be like
[03:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> i would like
[03:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> 3 chicken wings n the fried rice
[03:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:54] Name1e55KRas in
[03:55] BrianK in
[03:59] Name1e55KRas out
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[03:59] mairaevelynmangino in
[04:03] Name1e55KRas out
[04:15] mairaevelynmangino> hola
[04:15] mairaevelynmangino> todocbienP?
[04:15] mairaevelynmangino> jugamos
[04:43] RessurectioN_TAS in
[04:49] RessurectioN_TAS out
[04:53] ExLordDeath in
[04:53] ExLordDeath out
[04:53] mairaevelynmangino out
[04:59] mairaevelynmangino in
[04:59] mairaevelynmangino> hi}
[05:00] mairaevelynmangino out
[05:00] mairaevelynmangino in
[05:05] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[05:10] Name1e55KRas in
[05:11] mairaevelynmangino out
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[05:12] Name1e55KRas in
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[05:13] Name1e55KRas in
[05:18] Name1e55KRas out
[05:19] mairaevelynmangino in
[05:20] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[05:22] Name1e55KRas in
[05:30] ExLordDeath in
[05:30] ExLordDeath out
[05:33] Luxray out
[05:45] Name1e55KRas out
[06:13] Name1e55KRas in
[06:15] Name1e55KRas out
[06:17] mairaevelynmangino> hamnekettjras
[06:22] [Rw]Raver out
[06:23] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[06:24] mairaevelynmangino> 5676376 46352637 7362647264
[06:24] mairaevelynmangino> narigon
[06:26] mairaevelynmangino out
[06:26] BrianK out
[06:46] RessurectioN_TAS in
[06:46] RessurectioN_TAS out
[07:05] washedUp_tsi out
[07:11] adray_tsi out
[07:34] Plan3tFall in
[08:40] jammy in
[08:40] jammy out
[08:41] jammy in
[08:49] Incy in
[08:49] Incy out
[09:17] [AvA]noobITA in
[09:31] [AsG]Godzilla in
[09:56] Mammy_Tas in
[10:06] Plan3tFall out
[10:11] [AvA]noobITA out
[10:13] [AvA]noobITA in
[10:15] [rw]raver in
[10:15] [rw]raver out
[10:15] [Rw]Raver in
[10:29] [AsG]Godzilla out
[10:39] [AsG]mentix in
[10:48] Plan3tFall in
[11:00] [AvA]noobITA out
[11:04] Unpredictable in
[11:04] Unpredictable> wtf inca put me 20 xtra points yet i played 0 games yesterday
[11:04] Unpredictable> what is this sorcery
[11:06] Unpredictable> where is power when u need 1 v 1
[11:06] Unpredictable> :nice:
[11:20] power_OP> Hwy trod
[11:20] power_OP> i will be there later on, lime6 hours later now i am busy
[11:20] power_OP> i need you to take my points so better be around
[11:31] Icefire in
[11:53] webglitch28 in
[11:53] webglitch28> Hi guys
[11:55] webglitch28 out
[12:24] barracuda11 in
[12:25] [OP]pressive_clown in
[12:25] barracuda11 out
[12:43] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy:
[12:45] cyborg> Div his honesty is here..
[12:46] cyborg> The uniter the empiror
[12:46] cyborg> The kosjak bane
[13:19] [D]ClownConcern in
[13:26] Plan3tFall out
[13:36] [AvA]Soma- in
[13:39] merciless1 in
[13:39] Unpredictable> yoo shogun
[13:39] Unpredictable> u immigrant join
[13:40] merciless1> :kekwait:
[13:42] bockwurstlaune in
[13:44] jammy out
[13:44] jammy in
[13:45] [Rw]Carycyn in
[13:45] Unpredictable> +1
[13:45] Unpredictable> for a gg
[13:46] bockwurstlaune> oh guys
[13:46] bockwurstlaune> :D
[13:46] bockwurstlaune> busy atm
[13:46] bockwurstlaune> but i will play soon
[13:46] Unpredictable> [Rw]Carycyn> ill join just turning on exitlag
[13:46] Unpredictable> tf is exitlag
[13:46] bockwurstlaune> get mentix
[13:46] Unpredictable> jammy> do pp
[13:46] Unpredictable> as u wish
[13:47] bockwurstlaune> but then its unbalanced
[13:47] Unpredictable> jammy> put me facing Soma
[13:47] [Rw]Carycyn in
[13:47] Unpredictable> they like walls i think
[13:47] Unpredictable> jammy
[13:47] Unpredictable> soma join walls
[13:47] jammy> not doing walls
[13:47] [AvA]Soma-> not random
[13:47] Unpredictable> kk
[13:47] jammy> want pp
[13:47] Unpredictable> what teams fairets
[13:47] Unpredictable> fairest
[13:48] [AvA]Soma-> me and jammy
[13:48] Unpredictable> ok
[13:48] Unpredictable> position wishes?
[13:48] [AvA]Soma-> put me yellow
[13:48] Unpredictable> ok
[13:48] Unpredictable> like this ok?
[13:48] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[13:49] Unpredictable> btw do u guys wanna host it?
[13:49] Unpredictable> if mines laggy
[13:49] [AvA]Soma-> i can host too
[13:49] Unpredictable> kk
[13:49] jammy> ?
[13:49] [AsG]mentix> cant rn feeling like sht
[13:49] jammy> pp
[13:49] Unpredictable> what did u do yesterday
[13:49] [AsG]mentix> played pop
[13:50] Unpredictable> maybe make map both likes
[13:50] Unpredictable> wtf
[13:50] Unpredictable> host it soma
[13:51] Icefire out
[13:51] Unpredictable> have u guys tried fensalir map
[13:51] Unpredictable> thats awesome
[13:51] Unpredictable> or sess
[13:51] Unpredictable> or töm
[13:51] Unpredictable> :nice:
[13:51] Unpredictable> jammy join
[13:51] [AvA]Soma-> sess ok to me
[13:51] [Rw]Raver out
[13:51] jammy> you guys play, i wanted pp
[13:51] Unpredictable> wow were there any ggs mentix
[13:52] [Rw]Carycyn> well we cant play without you
[13:52] Unpredictable> soma why not play pp
[13:52] [Rw]Carycyn out
[13:52] [AsG]mentix> where were you rod
[13:52] Unpredictable> drinking
[13:52] Unpredictable> :nice:
[13:52] [AvA]Soma-> if you wanna play pp get another
[13:52] Unpredictable> came back like 3 am
[13:52] Unpredictable> but noone played
[13:52] [AsG]mentix> im supposed to tonight but not sure i can
[13:52] Unpredictable> yaa dont go
[13:52] Unpredictable> drink here
[13:52] Unpredictable> and play pop
[13:53] Unpredictable> :good:
[13:53] [AsG]mentix> watch out jammy got skills
[13:53] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[13:55] [Rw]Carycyn> dont believe we missed our only chance of a game cause kids cant agree on a single map
[13:58] SepulturaMb in
[13:58] SepulturaMb out
[13:58] SepulturaMb in
[14:18] Plan3tFall in
[14:20] bockwurstlaune> +2 4way
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> gogo bock dont have much time
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> can trod host actually
[14:21] Unpredictable> soma host gud too
[14:21] [AvA]Soma-> bit laggy to me
[14:21] [AvA]Soma-> trod
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> exitlag wont work with u bock
[14:21] [AvA]Soma-> i an host too if you wan
[14:21] [Rw]Carycyn> somas fine too
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> soma host then
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> teams are good like that i geuss
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> gl hf guys
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> nice to get a game instantly :D
[14:22] Zpektrix_TAS> nah alan
[14:22] Zpektrix_TAS> exitlag works
[14:22] Zpektrix_TAS> just change server
[14:22] Zpektrix_TAS> and test ping
[14:22] Unpredictable> Plan3tFall> stream mate
[14:23] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[14:23] Plan3tFall> publicity inside publicity?
[14:23] Plan3tFall> tf
[14:47] [Rw]Carycyn> gg
[14:47] [AvA]Soma-> gg
[14:48] FreeInca in
[14:48] bockwurstlaune> brb for 10 min
[14:50] Maganha_OP in
[14:50] [Rw]Carycyn> [10:22] Tsu> just change server
[14:50] [Rw]Carycyn> what do you mean by change server tsu
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> just find a route for bock
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> you need to change route each host
[14:53] washedUp_tsi in
[14:54] [Rw]Carycyn> mm ok need to try that
[14:56] Unpredictable> big ince in da house
[14:57] washedUp_tsi> hellls yeah
[14:58] Unpredictable> discord
[15:01] Power_OP in
[15:03] Tamaldas in
[15:06] Power_OP out
[15:07] [Rw]Carycyn> trod
[15:07] Unpredictable> yes
[15:07] [Rw]Carycyn> link to ur twitch??
[15:07] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[15:07] [Rw]Carycyn> oh its empty
[15:07] [Rw]Carycyn> lol
[15:08] Maganha_OP> game?
[15:08] Unpredictable> want me to publish
[15:08] Unpredictable> ?
[15:08] [Rw]Carycyn> our 1v1 sure
[15:08] [Rw]Carycyn> i wanna rewatch it later
[15:08] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:09] [Rw]Carycyn> [11:08] Maganha_OP> game?
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:09] [Rw]Carycyn> vou sair en unos mins manito
[15:09] Unpredictable> it should have there now
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:10] [Rw]Carycyn> thx
[15:10] Maganha_OP> :x
[15:10] Maganha_OP> nem vou jogar tamben
[15:11] [Rw]Carycyn> bbl
[15:11] [Rw]Carycyn> dont argue too much about map choices
[15:11] [Rw]Carycyn out
[15:14] merciless1> lets argue bout map choices til matt gets unbanned :kekyou:
[15:15] washedUp_tsi> ++++++++1
[15:16] bockwurstlaune> br
[15:16] bockwurstlaune> brb
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> is trod afk?
[15:19] Tamaldas out
[15:20] Unpredictable> no
[15:20] Unpredictable> im here
[15:21] merciless1 out
[15:21] merciless1 in
[15:22] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[15:32] [D]PeepoClown in
[15:41] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[15:41] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:42] merciless1> love it when ppl says "gg" over a 2v1
[15:42] merciless1> stfu u dam hypocrite :lmao:
[15:43] Zpektrix_TAS> soma thinks he is better than me
[15:43] Zpektrix_TAS> so it wasn't 2v1
[15:43] Zpektrix_TAS> and it was actually best for mm
[15:43] Zpektrix_TAS> Best Teams:Unpredictable + Zpektrix_TAS vs. washedUp_tsi + [AvA]Soma-
[15:43] Zpektrix_TAS> now you stfu
[15:44] Unpredictable> :pogcorn:
[15:44] Unpredictable> me and soma arent gud host each others
[15:44] Unpredictable> tho
[15:44] Zpektrix_TAS> soma is worst
[15:44] Zpektrix_TAS> his hosting is laggy even on vpn
[15:45] Zpektrix_TAS> nici is better host
[15:45] Unpredictable> nicis host allways been op
[15:45] [AsG]Godzilla in
[15:47] [D]ClownConcern out
[15:47] xtro in
[15:48] bockwurstlaune out
[15:48] Skyguim in
[15:49] Skyguim out
[15:50] Unpredictable> ggz
[15:50] Unpredictable out
[15:50] Tamaldas in
[15:51] bockwurstlaune in
[15:52] [D]ClownConcern in
[15:52] jammy out
[15:52] SepulturaMb out
[15:53] SepulturaMb in
[15:53] FreeInca out
[15:53] FreeInca in
[15:53] SepulturaMb out
[15:53] SepulturaMb in
[15:53] Saphire17 in
[15:55] [OP]pressive_clown> Wait wait
[15:55] [OP]pressive_clown> Does soma think he's good at pop? :kekw:
[15:55] [D]ClownConcern out
[15:55] [OP]pressive_clown> Ain't no way brah
[15:55] [D]ClownConcern in
[15:56] Tamaldas out
[15:56] merciless1> Zpektrix_TAS> soma thinks he is better than me
[15:56] washedUp_tsi> lol
[15:56] merciless1> Zpektrix_TAS> so it wasn't 2v1
[15:56] merciless1> thats best part man
[15:56] Tamaldas in
[15:56] merciless1> i mean..
[15:56] [OP]pressive_clown> Lolll
[15:56] merciless1> only because he thinks hes better..
[15:56] merciless1> it makes it a 2v2 ?
[15:56] Saphire17 out
[15:56] merciless1> FUCKIN STFU
[15:56] [OP]pressive_clown> Bro soma is max war rank
[15:57] Saphire17 in
[15:57] merciless1> ok i think im better than nici now
[15:57] merciless1> that makes me #1 gg
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> ye true babo
[15:57] [OP]pressive_clown> Foken deludeeed
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> there's no change between soma and sherminator
[15:57] [OP]pressive_clown> Yea they're same skill
[15:57] [OP]pressive_clown> All Ava's are the same for me
[15:57] [D]ClownConcern> nice ava amte
[15:58] bockwurstlaune out
[15:58] Maganha_OP> :(
[16:01] xtro out
[16:04] [OP]pressive_clown> Ava Maganha
[16:04] [OP]pressive_clown> :hyperIkani:
[16:04] merciless1> = [OP]pressive_clown> All Ava's are the same for me
[16:04] merciless1> well well
[16:04] merciless1> spiderpig can be pretty good
[16:04] merciless1> he just doesnt play
[16:05] [OP]pressive_clown> Yes spiderdog and med are decent
[16:05] [OP]pressive_clown> But my left foot is more talented than all others combined
[16:05] merciless1> n waht about fistung
[16:05] Zpektrix_TAS> fisttung is bad
[16:05] Zpektrix_TAS> he doesnt make troops
[16:05] merciless1> n they even got aravitnh :kekyou:
[16:06] [OP]pressive_clown> He doesn't know how to attack or use his shaman or make troops
[16:06] itobadforyou in
[16:06] [OP]pressive_clown> Aravinth is troll member dude
[16:06] [D]ClownConcern> [AvA]vinth
[16:06] [OP]pressive_clown> He doesn't wear tag so doesn't count
[16:06] merciless1> ye i didnt evne notice he was in there
[16:06] merciless1> til i just saw
[16:06] [Rw]Carycyn> Mix owns u all imo
[16:06] merciless1> my first thought "ah he must be trollin"
[16:07] Zpektrix_TAS> aravinth was in fu
[16:07] Zpektrix_TAS> he is joining troll clans
[16:09] iyuni in
[16:10] iyuni out
[16:10] itobadforyou out
[16:10] adray_tsi in
[16:12] [OP]pressive_clown out
[16:13] BrianK in
[16:14] [AvA]noobITA in
[16:15] [AvA]noobITA> hi my friends populousus
[16:16] christo0972 in
[16:16] [D]ClownConcern> hey populous people how are you
[16:16] [D]ClownConcern> listen
[16:16] merciless1> ok.
[16:16] Zpektrix_TAS> go to bed nask
[16:16] SepulturaMb out
[16:17] [AvA]noobITA> yooo
[16:17] SepulturaMb in
[16:17] [AvA]noobITA> how are u doing
[16:17] [D]ClownConcern> chill it's 16h
[16:17] [D]ClownConcern> i only go to bed at 20
[16:17] SepulturaMb out
[16:17] SepulturaMb in
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> cute
[16:19] [AsG]Sky- in
[16:24] [AvA]noobITA> YOO +12
[16:24] [AvA]noobITA> +1
[16:25] [GoD]spinnimini> Yoyoyoyo
[16:25] [GoD]spinnimini> GAMES
[16:26] Saphire17 out
[16:26] Saphire17 in
[16:30] [OP]pressive_clown in
[16:30] [GoD]spinnimini in
[16:31] [OP]pressive_clown> steinweg
[16:31] [AvA]noobITA> +11
[16:32] adray_tsi out
[16:33] Tamaldas out
[16:34] Saphire17 out
[16:36] [rw]raver in
[16:36] [GoD]spinnimini> +4
[16:38] [AvA]noobITA> SEC
[16:38] [AvA]noobITA> 5 min im doing stuff job
[16:39] Unpredictable in
[16:39] Unpredictable> the
[16:39] Unpredictable> timing
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> yoyoyooy
[16:39] Unpredictable> is real
[16:39] [GoD]spinnimini> trodddddddddddd
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> ice is coming
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> go discord
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> he there in like 4 min
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> chichis
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> tsu
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> join
[16:40] [GoD]spinnimini> 3v3
[16:43] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:43] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:43] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:43] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:44] Maganha_OP out
[16:46] Meph in
[16:46] merciless1> dont let meph in
[16:46] merciless1> no honor
[16:46] [GoD]spinnimini> no 4v4?
[16:46] [GoD]spinnimini> cmondude
[16:46] [GoD]spinnimini> +1
[16:46] merciless1> he wont ally up past 50 mins evne if hes about to lose
[16:47] merciless1> = faggit
[16:47] christo0972> the addict of pop are all in the hut 3
[16:47] jammy in
[16:47] [GoD]spinnimini> GoD]spinnimini + merciless1 + Zpektrix_TAS + Meph vs. [OP]pressive_clown + Unpredictable + FreeInca + washedUp_tsi
[16:47] ScoobyDoo in
[16:48] jechodemons in
[16:52] adray_tsi in
[16:54] [AvA]noobITA> ok back
[16:54] BrianK out
[16:54] [AvA]noobITA> lol had to do taxes
[16:55] [AvA]noobITA> 55.789¬ damn it
[16:55] [AvA]noobITA> fucking percentage
[16:55] Plan3tFall out
[16:58] fortkani in
[16:58] [FR]Gould in
[17:00] [Rw]Jops in
[17:01] [AvA]noobITA> yo
[17:01] ScoobyDoo> christo is crazy
[17:01] [AvA]noobITA> [AvA]noobITA + SepulturaMb vs. jammy + ScoobyDoo
[17:01] ScoobyDoo> put a 2v2 map
[17:01] ScoobyDoo> to a 1v1
[17:01] ScoobyDoo> xd
[17:01] [Rw]Jops out
[17:01] [AvA]noobITA> lol
[17:01] [Rw]Jops in
[17:01] christo0972> yeah u need to know how to control the map
[17:01] christo0972> but lets 1V1 map pp
[17:02] [AvA]noobITA> rejoin
[17:02] [AvA]noobITA> got 58 minà
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> 57
[17:03] christo0972> me 56
[17:03] christo0972> XD
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> fortnite cup
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> world cup
[17:03] christo0972> nice
[17:03] christo0972> wow
[17:03] christo0972> gl
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> ya hope il get qualified
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> ty dude
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> :D
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> i cant stream for be more fluid
[17:03] [AvA]noobITA> damn need other pc
[17:04] [AvA]noobITA> join christo
[17:04] christo0972> nah none will comee
[17:04] christo0972> or 1V1 ?
[17:04] [AvA]noobITA> okay
[17:04] [AvA]noobITA> ranked or unranked?
[17:04] christo0972> i need to improve
[17:04] [AvA]noobITA> how u prefer
[17:04] christo0972> asw
[17:05] [AvA]noobITA> ill give u pts if u win
[17:05] [AvA]noobITA> red or yellow
[17:05] [AvA]noobITA> ?
[17:05] christo0972> pick one
[17:05] christo0972> i have to improve btw
[17:05] [AvA]noobITA> same as red i suck
[17:07] ScoobyDoo out
[17:07] [AvA]noobITA> DAMN CRASHED
[17:18] [D]PeepoClown out
[17:22] merciless1> meph was dead weight this game
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> ye he didnt make a good def in the beginning
[17:22] merciless1> guy let babo walk in like nothing into my base at start
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> it was hard to carry
[17:22] merciless1> how annoying
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> but you didnt make fws early either
[17:23] merciless1> our fronts were failing so bad
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> you guys had no fws at start
[17:23] merciless1> wasnt even sure if it was worth trying
[17:23] merciless1> we arent fornt bases
[17:23] [OP]pressive_clown> all meph did was chase my shaman :lmao:
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> lmfao
[17:23] merciless1> meph played spy level
[17:23] merciless1> cant do shit bout that
[17:23] Meph> charged first ghosts at min 13
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> at least i have positive shaman kills this time
[17:23] Meph> you should be proud
[17:23] [GoD]spinnimini> doies that mean center base is nt supposed to have defense units
[17:23] Tamaldas in
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> 13/12 kd
[17:23] Meph> i wouldnt care about your troops
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> most shaman kills in our team
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:23] Meph> if only you could use blast at start
[17:24] [GoD]spinnimini> +1
[17:24] Meph> would help a lot
[17:24] merciless1> we had that shit
[17:24] [GoD]spinnimini> if saved poop ye
[17:24] merciless1> i cant just defend bd n finish 3 guys
[17:24] [GoD]spinnimini> pop
[17:24] Saphire17 in
[17:24] Unpredictable> shogun join
[17:24] merciless1> 2 bds on me
[17:24] Meph> sorry spin, sah deine pop nicht
[17:24] [GoD]spinnimini> alles gut
[17:24] merciless1> tsu goes to attack an already destroyed base
[17:24] merciless1> instead of defending n sending warrs
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[17:25] merciless1> cos thats all we needed
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> joinnnnnnnnnn
[17:25] merciless1> def with shamans n send wrrs
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> they werent dead
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> sho join
[17:25] FreeInca> neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd
[17:25] merciless1> they were
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> dont have much time
[17:25] merciless1> 3 bases completely smashed
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> only till 11 pm
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> join
[17:25] merciless1> nah i cba with bs again
[17:25] washedUp_tsi> DonnieG did really well
[17:25] washedUp_tsi> nice job man
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> mentix
[17:25] [GoD]spinnimini> join
[17:25] merciless1> meph playin spy level n tsu not defending shit just to go do nothing to an already destroyed base
[17:25] merciless1> dont waste my time man
[17:25] [OP]pressive_clown> join shogun
[17:25] Unpredictable> SPIN CALL MENTITS
[17:26] [GoD]spinnimini> did
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> didnt you see meph dying with back base double
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> we had to balance the damage
[17:26] FreeInca> join shitgun
[17:26] Mammy_Tas> hi :)
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> joijn mammy
[17:26] FreeInca> mammy
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> join
[17:26] FreeInca> join
[17:26] Mammy_Tas> :eyes:
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> let's go
[17:26] merciless1 out
[17:26] christo0972> gg
[17:26] Meph> spastic out.
[17:27] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + Mammy_Tas + Meph + FreeInca vs. [GoD]spinnimini + Zpektrix_TAS + washedUp_tsi + [OP]pressive_clown#
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> GG
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> volc at 18 min nice
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> christo
[17:27] Saphire17> how do we make teams?
[17:27] christo0972> i have a better pop with just 12 hut on sess XD
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> make more fws attack more
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> dismantle more
[17:27] christo0972> I Cant
[17:27] christo0972> im to slow
[17:27] christo0972> XD
[17:27] [AvA]noobITA> a l r
[17:28] christo0972> this map is for fast player
[17:28] [AvA]noobITA> may be u got bug mouse
[17:28] christo0972> take my spot
[17:28] Unpredictable out
[17:28] [AvA]noobITA> likei had
[17:28] christo0972> we have to rematch
[17:28] Unpredictable in
[17:28] [AvA]noobITA> ?
[17:28] [AvA]noobITA> im better as yellow
[17:28] christo0972> just invers our spot now
[17:28] [AvA]noobITA> nah
[17:28] christo0972> nah play mine now
[17:28] christo0972> same spot
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> u aslo converted my wildis
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> lol i got 53
[17:29] Tamaldas out
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> idk how u no convert good
[17:29] christo0972> and ?
[17:29] Tamaldas in
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> convert good at start
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> advice
[17:29] christo0972> i did good or not at convert ?
[17:29] [AvA]noobITA> no
[17:29] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[17:30] merciless1 in
[17:30] [AvA]noobITA> xd
[17:30] christo0972> oh why ?
[17:30] [AvA]noobITA> babo
[17:30] [OP]pressive_clown> togeyher fun
[17:30] [GoD]spinnimini> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[17:30] christo0972> launch plz
[17:30] [AvA]noobITA> christo too ez
[17:30] [AvA]noobITA> i was playing bad
[17:30] [AvA]noobITA> also
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> no using ghost swarm
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> i got ur base
[17:31] christo0972> i play my worst map dude
[17:31] christo0972> normal XD
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> u remove fw from towers
[17:31] christo0972> and my worst spot
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> amx shift+click 2/3 fws
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> max
[17:31] bockwurstlaune in
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> no 10
[17:31] [AvA]noobITA> hi bocky
[17:31] merciless1 out
[17:32] bockwurstlaune> hi
[17:32] christo0972> 1V1 bock sry
[17:32] merciless1 in
[17:32] bockwurstlaune> are u guys up for 2v1 me?
[17:32] [AvA]noobITA> i wish
[17:32] christo0972> no
[17:32] christo0972> 1V1
[17:32] [AvA]noobITA> i did good control there
[17:32] christo0972> sry
[17:32] [AvA]noobITA> lol christo u saw my volcano instant quit
[17:32] christo0972> not
[17:32] [AvA]noobITA> run pop
[17:32] christo0972> plz just play
[17:32] [AvA]noobITA> at 18 min i cnat get volc
[17:33] christo0972> tactically just say nothing
[17:33] [AvA]noobITA> u need wars swarm go trough
[17:33] [AvA]noobITA> ghost wars ecc
[17:33] christo0972> stop advice i dt want them
[17:33] christo0972> im just to slow
[17:34] christo0972 out
[17:34] [AvA]noobITA> try it more acurate
[17:37] [AvA]noobITA out
[17:37] [AvA]noobITA in
[17:37] Saphire17 out
[17:37] Saphire17 in
[17:38] Power_OP in
[17:42] Saphire17> i cant
[17:42] Saphire17> it says all players must be conneted
[17:42] Saphire17> what does that mean
[17:42] jechodemons out
[17:43] Dendix_9 in
[17:46] Saphire17 out
[17:46] Tamaldas out
[17:46] Saphire17 in
[17:46] Tamaldas in
[17:47] [rw]raver out
[17:53] ExLordDeath in
[17:55] Saphire17> it says i cant start untill all players are connected what does that mean?
[17:56] IncaWarrior> populous is p2p so you need to have a connection to the other players. easiest way is to forward port 7575 udp in your router
[17:58] Saphire17> i am dumb please tell me how do i do that
[17:58] Saphire17> llike my first time and i wanna play with bro
[17:58] RessurectioN_TAS in
[18:00] Tamaldas out
[18:01] Tamaldas in
[18:02] Saphire17 out
[18:02] Power_OP out
[18:03] Saphire17 in
[18:04] Saphire17 out
[18:05] Saphire17 in
[18:06] JJaydenn_TSI in
[18:07] FreeInca> gaydenn
[18:07] FreeInca> :*
[18:07] FreeInca out
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> we won anyway
[18:09] [GoD]spinnimini> [GoD]spinnimini + Unpredictable + washedUp_tsi + merciless1 vs. Dendix_9 + Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + JJaydenn_TSI
[18:09] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + [GoD]spinnimini + washedUp_tsi + merciless1 vs. Dendix_9 + Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + JJaydenn_TSI
[18:09] Unpredictable> best ok?
[18:09] bockwurstlaune> :D
[18:09] merciless1> inca actually helping newbies
[18:09] merciless1> unprecedented.
[18:09] Dendix_9> ye gogo
[18:09] Saphire17 out
[18:09] Unpredictable> meph wanna red or blue base`
[18:09] Unpredictable> ?
[18:09] Meph> blue
[18:10] Saphire17 in
[18:10] JJaydenn_TSI> nah man swap ice n zp
[18:10] JJaydenn_TSI> fk that
[18:10] [GoD]spinnimini> no?
[18:10] [GoD]spinnimini> wtf
[18:10] merciless1> swap ice n jjay
[18:10] merciless1> :excellent:
[18:10] JJaydenn_TSI> ye
[18:10] JJaydenn_TSI> cba allying zp man
[18:10] Unpredictable> dw hes diff back base
[18:10] JJaydenn_TSI> guy cant even be arsed to blast
[18:10] Unpredictable> than u
[18:10] [GoD]spinnimini> looool
[18:11] merciless1> tsu leavin babo alone last game
[18:11] merciless1> lmao
[18:11] merciless1> "yeah lets send all my pop to the other guys's bases, fk my ally
[18:11] merciless1> uselesss rat :clap:
[18:11] [OP]pressive_clown> lol ye
[18:11] [OP]pressive_clown> annoying
[18:12] power_OP> wow u guys won that ?
[18:12] power_OP> wp babo
[18:12] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[18:12] merciless1> its hard as fk to defend everything knowing u also gotta attack to win while ur ally does fk all
[18:12] power_OP> what was that dies man
[18:12] [OP]pressive_clown> ty was intense on my side
[18:12] merciless1> i feel u man
[18:12] power_OP> u died 7 times for torns
[18:12] power_OP> lol
[18:12] [OP]pressive_clown> lol
[18:12] [OP]pressive_clown> unreal
[18:12] [OP]pressive_clown> they are magnetic..
[18:13] Unpredictable> what happened
[18:13] merciless1> ¿
[18:13] [GoD]spinnimini> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:13] merciless1> who left
[18:13] Unpredictable> it was green
[18:13] Unpredictable> whoever that was
[18:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:13] ExLordDeath> lol
[18:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:13] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy: riley
[18:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:14] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:14] ExLordDeath> wassup
[18:14] Zpektrix_TAS> failed to launch
[18:14] Saphire17 out
[18:14] Tamaldas out
[18:15] Saphire17 in
[18:15] Tamaldas in
[18:15] [GoD]spinnimini> straming
[18:17] Tamaldas out
[18:17] Tamaldas in
[18:18] Plan3tFall in
[18:19] [FR]Gould out
[18:19] Power_OP in
[18:20] Power_OP> missed the game
[18:20] Power_OP> upss
[18:20] Lovenji_OP in
[18:20] Mammy_Tas> hi lovenji :)
[18:20] Mammy_Tas> hi power :)
[18:21] Power_OP> Hello Mammy
[18:22] Power_OP> non of us can host
[18:22] Power_OP> :kek:
[18:22] RessurectioN_TAS out
[18:22] Power_OP> i think bock has some chance
[18:22] RessurectioN_TAS in
[18:22] bockwurstlaune> ye i can probably host
[18:22] bockwurstlaune> :)
[18:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:23] Power_OP> exlord join?
[18:23] Power_OP> he may be afk may get Mammy instad ?
[18:23] bockwurstlaune> i can ally toruk makto
[18:23] bockwurstlaune> or mammy
[18:23] bockwurstlaune> sure
[18:23] bockwurstlaune> anyone can join
[18:23] Power_OP> nice
[18:24] RessurectioN_TAS> :good:
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> me and plan3tfall
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> or what?
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> walls fine for all?
[18:24] RessurectioN_TAS> yess
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> ok
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> gl hf
[18:25] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[18:25] Tamaldas out
[18:25] Saphire17 out
[18:25] Tamaldas in
[18:26] Lucas> Match?
[18:26] Saphire17 in
[18:28] Saphire17 out
[18:28] Tamaldas out
[18:30] Tamaldas in
[18:32] adray_tsi out
[18:32] BrianK in
[18:32] Saphire17 in
[18:34] Tamaldas> why doesnt the ''Request host'' work
[18:35] mairaevelynmangino in
[18:36] Saphire17 out
[18:36] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[18:36] [rw]raver in
[18:38] jechodemons in
[18:38] jechodemons out
[18:38] jechodemons in
[18:38] Saphire17 in
[18:39] jechodemons> update!
[18:40] jechodemons out
[18:40] jechodemons in
[18:40] xtro in
[18:40] jechodemons out
[18:40] jechodemons in
[18:41] jechodemons out
[18:44] Unpredictable> loved how ice didnt realise the bd
[18:44] Unpredictable> kek
[18:44] washedUp_tsi> lol
[18:44] merciless1> ofc he quits.
[18:44] merciless1> saw ice's shamn takin a bath at mid cos afk lol
[18:44] merciless1> 2 fws blasted hmi like "yeah cya"
[18:44] merciless1> him*/
[18:46] Meph out
[18:47] ClownStar_OP> Any gaaaaames?
[18:47] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[18:47] Zpektrix_TAS> join
[18:47] Zpektrix_TAS> yggdratom
[18:48] jechodemons in
[18:48] jechodemons out
[18:48] jechodemons in
[18:51] ClownStar_OP in
[18:51] [GoD]spinnimini> +2
[18:51] [GoD]spinnimini> +1
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[18:51] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + merciless1 + washedUp_tsi + [GoD]spinnimini vs. ClownStar_OP + Zpektrix_TAS + [OP]pressive_clown + Dendix_9
[18:52] Lovenji_OP in
[18:52] RessurectioN_TAS> ggwp
[18:52] Power_OP> gg wp
[18:53] Power_OP> missed another game
[18:53] Power_OP> +2
[18:53] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy: lovenjojo
[18:53] mairaevelynmangino out
[18:53] ClownStar_OP> Double Lovenji
[18:53] ClownStar_OP> Double cast
[18:53] Power_OP> +1
[18:53] Power_OP> mammy
[18:53] Power_OP> jj
[18:54] mairaevelynmangino in
[18:54] bockwurstlaune out
[18:54] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[18:54] adray_tsi in
[18:54] Lovenji_OP out
[18:55] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[18:55] [GoD]spinnimini> witch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:55] Saphire17 out
[18:56] mairaevelynmangino> --> CHEAT DETECTED! --- I'm a cheater!
[18:56] BrianK> --> CHEAT DETECTED! --- I'm a cheater!
[18:56] Power_OP> hmm
[18:56] Power_OP> u wanna go some 1v1 while awiting dann?
[18:56] mairaevelynmangino> ok
[18:56] RessurectioN_TAS> i dunno
[18:56] RessurectioN_TAS> my net is unstable
[18:56] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[18:56] Tamaldas out
[18:56] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[18:56] Power_OP> ohh ok
[18:57] Power_OP> thought it was bock host
[18:57] Minibot_UK> Power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[18:57] RessurectioN_TAS> it was always fine in early game, but when it comes to mid-late game its always getting worse
[18:57] RessurectioN_TAS> no idea
[18:57] RessurectioN_TAS> we can do one
[18:57] RessurectioN_TAS> you host
[18:57] Lucas in
[18:58] Power_OP> my host is bad
[18:58] [GoD]spinnimini> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[18:58] Power_OP> 330
[18:58] Power_OP> sorry rod trying to 1v1
[18:58] ExLordDeath> i dont do 8p trod
[18:58] xtro> hey
[18:58] [GoD]spinnimini> Unpredictable + washedUp_tsi + ClownStar_OP + Dendix_9 vs. [GoD]spinnimini + Zpektrix_TAS + [OP]pressive_clown + Lucas
[18:59] Plan3tFall> go ?
[18:59] Tamaldas in
[18:59] Power_OP> ok
[18:59] Power_OP> we can go ty plat
[18:59] Plan3tFall> bases?
[18:59] Power_OP> plnat3
[19:00] Power_OP> idm any fine
[19:00] RessurectioN_TAS> this one good
[19:00] RessurectioN_TAS> lets goo
[19:00] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[19:00] Tamaldas out
[19:00] jechodemons out
[19:02] mairaevelynmangino> hi
[19:10] [D]ClownConcern> wat time is tourneys
[19:10] Zpektrix_TAS> strong team
[19:11] [OP]pressive_clown> 25 gmt
[19:11] merciless1> trod got smoked man
[19:11] merciless1> or whoever blue was
[19:11] merciless1> ouch
[19:11] [OP]pressive_clown> 2:49 to go div
[19:11] [D]ClownConcern> damn so late
[19:12] [OP]pressive_clown> ye
[19:12] [OP]pressive_clown> i wonder if nef will show up
[19:12] [D]ClownConcern> 10pm here
[19:12] bockwurstlaune in
[19:13] [OP]pressive_clown> div join
[19:13] [OP]pressive_clown> u and me
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> get D tag then
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> babo
[19:14] merciless1> ye
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> you dont have a ticket
[19:14] merciless1> join em div
[19:14] Lovenji_OP> my money is on no
[19:14] [D]ClownConcern> playin
[19:14] Lovenji_OP> but that doesn't bother me
[19:14] [D]ClownConcern> :kekyou:
[19:14] Lovenji_OP> More Sea of Thieves for me
[19:14] merciless1> playin pokemon
[19:14] merciless1> :kekyou:
[19:14] [OP]pressive_clown> :nice:
[19:14] [OP]pressive_clown> you playing 1 game pop lovenji?
[19:14] Unpredictable> big shogun
[19:14] [OP]pressive_clown> nvm full house
[19:15] merciless1> gotta save the day
[19:15] ClownStar_OP> :lbiceps: :chicken: :rbiceps:
[19:15] Unpredictable> me and spin vs babo and loot
[19:15] Unpredictable> rest random
[19:15] Lovenji_OP> lol
[19:15] Unpredictable> ?
[19:15] [OP]pressive_clown> ok
[19:15] [D]ClownConcern> oh i thought merciless was ossur
[19:15] Unpredictable> base wishes?
[19:15] [D]ClownConcern> was wondering how he got fw
[19:15] [OP]pressive_clown> shogun left god :monkas:
[19:15] jechodemons in
[19:15] merciless1> :kekwait:
[19:15] Lovenji_OP> I could play pop or
[19:15] [OP]pressive_clown> dead clan
[19:15] Lovenji_OP> or I could carry on sailing
[19:15] merciless1> all clans are dea dude
[19:15] [OP]pressive_clown> nice invite m8
[19:16] ClownStar_OP> We killed to big sailors yday Lovenji
[19:16] [D]ClownConcern> wow shogun this true=?
[19:16] ClownStar_OP> We were 4 at
[19:16] [OP]pressive_clown> OP pretty alive
[19:16] [D]ClownConcern> now that khaos was coming back tomorrow
[19:16] merciless1> ye div its truh
[19:16] merciless1> i left
[19:16] [OP]pressive_clown> yes khaos said he will log in more often
[19:16] merciless1> and khaos was coming today
[19:16] merciless1> gg
[19:16] [OP]pressive_clown> trust him :)
[19:16] Lovenji_OP> what happened loot
[19:16] [D]ClownConcern> join D bro :nice:
[19:16] [D]ClownConcern> we have nici
[19:16] [D]ClownConcern> free win
[19:16] ClownStar_OP> We were doing missions
[19:16] ClownStar_OP> 3 dudes attacked us so we replied
[19:16] Lovenji_OP> Friendly? Friendly?
[19:16] ClownStar_OP> sanked them
[19:16] merciless1> [D]ClownConcern> we have nici
[19:16] merciless1> [D]ClownConcern> free win
[19:16] merciless1> rofl.
[19:17] merciless1> tempting.
[19:17] merciless1> :excellent
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> Then later on
[19:17] merciless1> :excellent:
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> Doing more missions etc
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> This big boat marked on the map
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> came for us
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> we fought for like 30 mins or so
[19:17] [D]ClownConcern> we also have addiction shogun
[19:17] ClownStar_OP> then we won
[19:17] [OP]pressive_clown> :monkas:
[19:17] [OP]pressive_clown> ez win
[19:17] jechodemons out
[19:17] [D]ClownConcern> last but not least, we have leaf
[19:18] bockwurstlaune> brb 5-10min sry
[19:18] [OP]pressive_clown> unbeleafable
[19:18] Lovenji_OP> And if you're lucky
[19:18] Lovenji_OP> and do good enough in D
[19:18] Lovenji_OP> AvA might recruit you
[19:18] merciless1> [D]ClownConcern> we also have addiction shogun
[19:18] merciless1> :monkamega:
[19:18] merciless1> :f:
[19:19] [OP]pressive_clown> addi will forever wear slave tage
[19:19] [D]ClownConcern> nice ava mate
[19:19] [OP]pressive_clown> tag
[19:19] merciless1> big ava there
[19:20] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[19:20] [D]ClownConcern> useless adblock not blocking ads now?
[19:20] Lovenji_OP> Depends on your browser
[19:20] Lovenji_OP> but mostly no
[19:21] Lovenji_OP> Chromium dropped support for adblock to make $$$$
[19:21] [D]ClownConcern> need hackers to update it again
[19:21] [D]ClownConcern> i musing firefox
[19:21] [D]ClownConcern> had an ad today, didnt have one for ages
[19:21] [D]ClownConcern> twitch devs getting smarter
[19:22] [D]Nightfury in
[19:25] Tomiko in
[19:26] Lovenji_OP> I've heard
[19:26] Lovenji_OP> opera gx is gud
[19:27] mairaevelynmangino out
[19:27] Tomiko out
[19:30] BrianK out
[19:30] Power_OP> gg wp
[19:30] RessurectioN_TAS> ggwp
[19:32] ExLordDeath out
[19:36] merciless1 out
[19:37] Mammy_Tas> reset
[19:39] fortkani out
[19:40] [AsG]Godzilla out
[19:42] bockwurstlaune out
[19:42] ClownStar_OP> Justo que te iba a expandir
[19:42] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[19:42] Zpektrix_TAS> wp team
[19:43] Unpredictable> gg
[19:43] [AsG]mentix> gg
[19:43] merciless1 in
[19:43] merciless1> loot
[19:43] [OP]pressive_clown> damn
[19:43] Lucas out
[19:43] merciless1> expandeme un poco mas tio loll
[19:43] [OP]pressive_clown> so easy when tsu actually plays the game
[19:43] ClownStar_OP> Xdd
[19:43] Lovenji_OP> LOL
[19:43] ClownStar_OP> Si eso queria en realidad
[19:43] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:43] Lucas in
[19:43] merciless1> "en realidad" :joy:
[19:43] Zpektrix_TAS> i just held spin's shaman
[19:43] Dendix_9 out
[19:44] Zpektrix_TAS> your early land helped me well
[19:44] Power_OP> +2
[19:44] Power_OP> komm spin
[19:44] merciless1> Spin: too critical
[19:44] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + Power_OP + RessurectioN_TAS + merciless1 vs. [GoD]spinnimini + Lucas + Zpektrix_TAS + xtro
[19:44] [GoD]spinnimini> diff map ?
[19:45] Unpredictable> positions?
[19:45] Unpredictable> like what?
[19:45] Unpredictable> töm=
[19:45] Unpredictable> =?
[19:45] [OP]pressive_clown> tsu wanna see me die
[19:45] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:45] [GoD]spinnimini> k tom
[19:45] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah i was blasting spin's shaman
[19:45] Zpektrix_TAS> when you died
[19:45] [OP]pressive_clown> wait i make clip
[19:45] [OP]pressive_clown> https://clips.twitch.tv/DeafExcitedTaroNotATK-kaS9B_E-j8UkFXyB
[19:46] Zpektrix_TAS> hahaa
[19:46] Zpektrix_TAS> it happens to me very often
[19:46] Zpektrix_TAS> it never happens in 1.01
[19:46] Zpektrix_TAS> sad 1.5
[19:47] [D]Joseph in
[19:47] [OP]pressive_clown> 115 pop at 10 min :good:
[19:47] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[19:47] [D]Joseph> /me slowclaps
[19:48] Zpektrix_TAS> nice dismantling
[19:48] [AsG]mentix> nuts
[19:48] Zpektrix_TAS> twitch.tv/zpektrix
[19:48] [OP]pressive_clown> yes its a bit slower than trods way, but more pop at 15min-end game
[19:48] [OP]pressive_clown> cuz faster upgrading
[19:48] Zpektrix_TAS> i harvested for u
[19:48] [OP]pressive_clown> 150 at 13min
[19:49] [OP]pressive_clown> ye was gud
[19:49] [OP]pressive_clown> wp
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> with 6 braves :)
[19:49] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> i converted 3
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> and 3 more came in
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:49] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[19:49] [D]Joseph> what map you do that on?
[19:49] [OP]pressive_clown> pp
[19:49] [OP]pressive_clown> best map
[19:49] [D]Joseph> pisses me off
[19:49] [D]Joseph> :mad:
[19:50] [D]Joseph> I can't even find time to dismantle on pp xD
[19:50] Dougs in
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> click faster :o
[19:52] [D]Joseph> its not even that
[19:52] [D]Joseph> need brain to work faster :kekw:
[19:52] Plan3tFall> lol i cant find time to go world view, idk how ppl even do that
[19:52] [D]Joseph> same
[19:53] Mammy_Tas> I do that sometimes to look at towers if they are full or not :D
[19:53] [D]Joseph> dont think i've ever used it in game
[19:53] [D]Joseph> even like once
[19:54] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2143212710
[19:54] [OP]pressive_clown> just watch first 10 min
[19:54] [OP]pressive_clown> maybe you can learn
[19:54] [OP]pressive_clown> its not hard, you need to find a good balance between shaman and troop controll and dismantling
[19:54] [OP]pressive_clown> every time shaman does not attack you can take care of your base
[19:55] [D]Joseph> yea i think i get scared i will get interupted and discmantle all huts
[19:55] [OP]pressive_clown> game starts at 27min ~~
[19:55] [D]Joseph> but just need to do it
[19:55] [D]Joseph> ill save that
[19:55] [OP]pressive_clown> im not even playing fast
[19:55] [OP]pressive_clown> so its good example
[19:55] [D]Joseph> Dougs nice job in the tourney
[19:56] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
[19:56] ClownStar_OP> Thanks for letting me win
[19:56] ClownStar_OP> :plead:
[19:56] [D]Joseph> If im to elevate from this level i will need to impove with dismantle
[19:56] [D]Joseph> that's for usre
[19:57] Sherminator in
[20:01] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:02] Dougs> :+1:
[20:03] JJaydenn_TSI out
[20:03] Dougs> Dougs + Sherminator + [AvA]Mibbel vs. Cyborg + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [rw]raver happy if i swap sherm and raver?
[20:03] [rw]raver> idm
[20:03] [D]Nightfury out
[20:03] Dougs> kk
[20:04] [D]Nightfury in
[20:04] Cyborg> crashed
[20:05] Cyborg out
[20:05] [D]Nightfury out
[20:05] [D]Nightfury in
[20:06] Dougs> gonna do same agains wap sherm and raver Dougs + Sherminator + [AvA]Mibbel vs. Cyborg + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [rw]raver
[20:06] Dougs> shadow try relogging?
[20:06] guitaryente> sec
[20:06] guitaryente out
[20:06] Cyborg in
[20:06] Cyborg> crashed
[20:06] Dougs> we saw mate
[20:06] guitaryente in
[20:07] guitaryente> fuck
[20:07] FreeInca in
[20:07] guitaryente> if another person host?
[20:07] Dougs> Mibbel wanna try?
[20:07] FreeInca> 4v4
[20:07] Sherminator> no
[20:07] Sherminator> 4vs4 is shit
[20:08] [D]Joseph> raver is not really brave
[20:08] FreeInca> yes
[20:08] [AvA]Mibbel> me? i dont think i'm better
[20:08] [D]Joseph> guys at least war
[20:08] guitaryente> mibbel
[20:08] [rw]raver> ive played 4 games in the last 2 years
[20:08] guitaryente> you can ping me
[20:08] Dougs> see if you can ping guitaryente
[20:08] [D]Joseph> one was with me yesterday
[20:08] Dougs> yeah try gosting mibbel
[20:08] [D]Joseph> and you are better than brave still lol
[20:08] [rw]raver> i see
[20:08] [rw]raver> :D
[20:08] [D]Joseph> xD
[20:08] guitaryente> 447
[20:08] guitaryente> lol
[20:08] Dougs> mibbel do me you and raver
[20:08] [AvA]Mibbel> lol
[20:09] Dougs> like i was doing
[20:09] [AvA]Mibbel> relogin?
[20:09] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:09] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:10] [AsG]Nefarius in
[20:11] Dougs> sherminator join back?
[20:11] Icefire in
[20:11] Power_OP> was fast
[20:11] Power_OP> i killed my trees
[20:11] [GoD]spinnimini> did u see teams
[20:11] merciless1> fuk was rod doin idk man
[20:11] Power_OP> as annoying
[20:11] Unpredictable> gg
[20:11] merciless1> couldnt read his moves
[20:12] Dougs> fuck I cant ping you lucas :/
[20:12] Lucas out
[20:12] merciless1> its like trying to read a man's drunken fist technique
[20:12] [GoD]spinnimini> it was unfair teams
[20:12] Unpredictable> aaaah
[20:12] Unpredictable> tru
[20:12] merciless1> i did say it from start tho spin lol
[20:12] RessurectioN_TAS out
[20:12] merciless1> was unfair for u
[20:12] Zpektrix_TAS> 5/11 kd by lucas
[20:12] Zpektrix_TAS> gg already
[20:12] merciless1> critical
[20:12] Lucas in
[20:12] merciless1> lol
[20:12] [GoD]spinnimini> yea
[20:12] [GoD]spinnimini> undeserved
[20:12] Zpektrix_TAS> even danny killed 7 shamans with 370
[20:12] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:13] Unpredictable> ya i dinduu nuffin all game
[20:13] Unpredictable> just chilled
[20:13] Unpredictable> allies killed trees
[20:13] Unpredictable> super fast
[20:13] Zpektrix_TAS> it's funny that i killed most pop only with troops
[20:13] Sherminator out
[20:13] [D]Joseph> troops kill the most pop tsu
[20:13] [D]Joseph> thats why
[20:13] xtro out
[20:13] Dougs> ffs i clicked back by accident
[20:13] xtro in
[20:14] [rw]raver> pops the only game where you spend more time trying to get in a game than playing one
[20:14] Dougs> i know right
[20:14] guitaryente> literal
[20:14] Dougs> Dougs + [AvA]Mibbel vs. [rw]raver + guitaryent
[20:14] Power_OP> +1
[20:15] Unpredictable> maybe some sess
[20:15] Unpredictable> ?
[20:15] Power_OP> ok
[20:15] [GoD]spinnimini> k
[20:16] Power_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/power_op_
[20:18] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[20:18] [AsG]Nefarius out
[20:18] [AsG]Nefarius in
[20:25] merciless1 out
[20:25] merciless1 in
[20:27] [AvA]Soma- in
[20:29] guitaryente> it was unranked?
[20:29] [AvA]Mibbel> gonna make some coffee lol
[20:29] Dougs> shouldn't have been?
[20:29] Dougs> No just checked it wasnt unranked
[20:29] [rw]raver> unranked?! what's the point in playing if not for those sweet points?
[20:30] [rw]raver> points are everything
[20:30] Dougs> lol
[20:30] [rw]raver> i need more points so i can get a lambo
[20:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> rank is always set to whatever you last set it as, Doug.
[20:30] Dougs> yeah it wasnt unranked
[20:30] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[20:31] [AvA]Soma-> doug join
[20:31] guitaryente> AV53-G4JZ-XTHC-TTHRAV53-G4JZ-XTHC-TTHR
[20:31] guitaryente> EPIC
[20:31] guitaryente> Reason for no points:
[20:31] guitaryente> Awaiting end game report
[20:31] guitaryente> ??
[20:31] Dougs> Well I lost 3 points so you guys will have got some
[20:31] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. Cyborg + [AvA]noobITA
[20:31] [rw]raver> 31 points
[20:31] [rw]raver> nice
[20:31] guitaryente out
[20:31] Dougs> lol
[20:31] Mammy_Tas> :O
[20:31] Mammy_Tas> That is alot
[20:32] guitaryente in
[20:32] guitaryente> 13 points lol
[20:32] [rw]raver> man we made bank
[20:33] guitaryente> what
[20:33] [rw]raver> we are rich now
[20:33] guitaryente> =D
[20:33] [rw]raver> imagine the things you can buy with all those points
[20:33] guitaryente> My rank is fake
[20:33] guitaryente> !
[20:35] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:35] [AsG]Godzilla out
[20:35] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:36] [AsG]Godzilla out
[20:36] Mammy_Tas> Hmm what csn you buy with those points :thinking: :lul: ?
[20:36] [AsG]Godzilla in
[20:36] guitaryente> iphone
[20:37] Mammy_Tas> Prefer a samsung phone :P
[20:37] guitaryente> agh
[20:40] [rw]raver out
[20:40] [Rw]Raver in
[20:41] [AsG]Nefarius> The tourney game against Loothill is in 20 mins, right?
[20:41] Unpredictable> gg
[20:41] washedUp_tsi> YES
[20:41] [GoD]spinnimini> dont know why rod plays like that
[20:42] ClownStar_OP> like 1:20 more Nef
[20:42] ClownStar_OP> Think it was 9pm GMT
[20:42] ClownStar_OP> Ask Lovenji
[20:43] FreeInca in
[20:44] RessurectioN_TAS out
[20:44] RessurectioN_TAS in
[20:45] [GoD]spinnimini> last game
[20:46] FreeInca out
[20:46] adray_tsi out
[20:47] merciless1> its weekend spin
[20:47] merciless1> why last
[20:47] merciless1> :plead:
[20:47] [AsG]Nefarius> ahh shit shit
[20:47] [AsG]Nefarius> I really thought it was 10 pm my time
[20:47] [AsG]Nefarius> >.<
[20:47] Power_OP> ohh Hey Nef
[20:47] [AsG]Nefarius> that'd bad
[20:48] Power_OP> how u doing
[20:48] Unpredictable> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[20:48] [AsG]Nefarius> not good
[20:48] Power_OP> why :(
[20:48] Lovenji_OP out
[20:48] Power_OP> damm rod nice stream
[20:48] [AsG]Nefarius> because I kept the wrong time in mind when it comes to the current tourney being held by lovenji
[20:48] Power_OP> publish them later
[20:48] [AsG]Nefarius> and I'm having an appointment later
[20:48] Power_OP> ohh sorry for that
[20:48] [AsG]Nefarius> ............
[20:48] ClownStar_OP> Maybe we can ask Lovenji
[20:48] ClownStar_OP> that if we can play now?
[20:49] ClownStar_OP> Im down for it if you need
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> are you loothill these days?
[20:49] ClownStar_OP> ye
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> ClownStar_OP:
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> ah okay
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> yes lets try that
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> if youre okay with it
[20:49] ClownStar_OP> yea ofc
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> thanks :) must the host be lovenji?
[20:49] ClownStar_OP> yes
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> yikes
[20:50] [AsG]Nefarius> he just dropped out
[20:50] [AsG]Nefarius> could somebody pm him at dc?
[20:50] ClownStar_OP> DMing him rn
[20:50] [AsG]Nefarius> cheers ty
[20:53] Mammy_Tas> hi Nef :)
[20:54] [AsG]Nefarius> hey there :wave
[20:54] [AsG]Nefarius> :wave:
[20:56] xtro out
[20:57] Cyborg out
[20:57] merciless1> aaaaaaah
[20:58] merciless1> must b etruh :nice:
[20:58] Cyborg in
[20:58] [AvA]noobITA out
[20:58] Power_OP> lets go 2v2
[20:58] [GoD]spinnimini out
[20:58] [AsG]mentix out
[20:58] Lucas> What was that about?
[20:58] washedUp_tsi> spin got a call
[20:58] Unpredictable> and mentix out
[20:58] [AsG]mentix in
[20:58] washedUp_tsi> he has to go to work
[20:58] [AvA]Soma-> fast rm on walls?
[20:58] Unpredictable> aaah high alert duty
[20:59] Lovenji_OP in
[20:59] merciless1> u sure it wasnt his grandma asking him to go shop
[20:59] Lucas> Dude forgot he got to work for playing videogames
[20:59] merciless1> :ye:
[20:59] Lucas> What a great employee
[20:59] Sherminator in
[20:59] [AsG]mentix> [AsG]mentix + Power_OP + Zpektrix_TAS + FreeInca vs. RessurectioN_TAS + Unpredictable + Lucas + washedUp_tsi
[20:59] [AsG]mentix> base wishes
[20:59] washedUp_tsi> me and rod big
[21:00] FreeInca> me and tsu bak
[21:00] Sherminator out
[21:00] Lucas> Look at that, 2 red shamans at once in the MM, make a wish
[21:00] merciless1> loot vs nef when
[21:00] Power_OP> i wish i saw a yellow shaman
[21:00] Power_OP> its the rarest
[21:00] Cyborg> 4 walls?
[21:00] Power_OP> seen once or twice in my pop life
[21:01] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[21:01] Plan3tFall> inca 2nd acc has yell shaman
[21:01] merciless1> fuk u mean 2nd acc
[21:01] [AsG]Nefarius> Inca sometimes was only with that icon
[21:01] [AsG]Nefarius> and Khickman
[21:01] merciless1> its in his main one he just not using it
[21:01] [AsG]Nefarius> the nazi, lol
[21:02] merciless1> theres a button "log in as special rank"
[21:02] [AsG]Nefarius> And Im pretty sure Kiyana has such an icon, too
[21:02] merciless1> if unticked it wont show
[21:02] merciless1> ye she does
[21:02] [AsG]Nefarius> correct merciless1
[21:02] [OP]pressive_clown> it always does for me
[21:02] merciless1> she doesnt log in tho
[21:02] merciless1> once ina year :lmao:
[21:02] [OP]pressive_clown> too good for regular shaman rank gg
[21:02] [AsG]Nefarius> life I guess
[21:03] merciless1> Babo: well if ur shaman rank u cant take it off
[21:03] merciless1> but if ur fw u shud be aable to gg
[21:03] [OP]pressive_clown> ye annoying
[21:03] [AsG]Nefarius> ahhhh
[21:03] [AsG]Nefarius> love doesnt respond
[21:03] [AsG]Nefarius> did he respond to your dm loothill?
[21:03] [OP]pressive_clown> i have a sick idea
[21:03] [OP]pressive_clown> maybe you should join his hut
[21:03] merciless1> loll
[21:03] [AsG]Nefarius> yikees
[21:03] [AsG]Nefarius> lol
[21:04] [AsG]Nefarius> brb cig
[21:04] [AsG]Nefarius> xD
[21:04] [OP]pressive_clown> :monkas:
[21:04] merciless1> suerte negro
[21:04] [OP]pressive_clown> :ng:
[21:04] merciless1> nef rusty as fk tho
[21:04] ClownStar_OP> Gracias gracias
[21:04] ClownStar_OP> igual necesito como 5 min
[21:04] adray_tsi in
[21:04] ClownStar_OP> estoy en media partida de valorant xD
[21:04] merciless1> i mea why do dem cunts come for tourney but not for regular game :monkahhm: ..
[21:04] [AsG]Nefarius> thanks :)
[21:04] merciless1> lool loot
[21:04] merciless1> :upside_down:
[21:05] Lovenji_OP> Nef first map ban
[21:05] [OP]pressive_clown> :monkahmm:
[21:05] [AsG]Nefarius> I dont mind
[21:05] [AsG]Nefarius> whatever map
[21:05] [OP]pressive_clown> at least he signs up for tourneys unlike others :monkahmm:
[21:05] Lovenji_OP> ?
[21:05] [AsG]Nefarius> no bans from my side
[21:05] merciless1> (ah shit shots fired... fk) :monkahmm: ..
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> lol merciless
[21:06] [OP]pressive_clown> lovenji about to get madge :monkahmm:
[21:06] Lovenji_OP> Ok, Loot map ban?
[21:06] [OP]pressive_clown> blood blood blood
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> because playingf pop
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> doesnt pay my bills
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> I wish it would
[21:06] merciless1> dam gud answer
[21:06] ClownStar_OP> hmmm
[21:06] [OP]pressive_clown> same here, i still find time :nice:
[21:06] ClownStar_OP> A New Beginning
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> relationship
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> studies
[21:06] Lovenji_OP> K, Nef first map pick
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> sports
[21:06] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[21:06] [OP]pressive_clown> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[21:06] merciless1> yesyes ur justified dw
[21:06] merciless1> zzzzztop
[21:06] Lovenji_OP> Oh well now we know what the 11pm appointment is
[21:06] [AsG]Nefarius> ok second
[21:06] Lovenji_OP> Cough
[21:07] [OP]pressive_clown> 8==D <-- (my actual size)
[21:07] Lovenji_OP> :kekw:
[21:07] merciless1> :peepopoint: pfffffffft
[21:07] Mammy_Tas> lol
[21:07] [AsG]Nefarius> Frernzief
[21:07] [AsG]Nefarius> Colonists
[21:07] [AsG]Nefarius> is my pick
[21:07] Lovenji_OP> Sure that's close enough to a map name
[21:07] [AsG]Nefarius> perfect
[21:07] [OP]pressive_clown> :lmao:
[21:07] [AsG]Nefarius> knew it would usffice
[21:08] [AsG]Nefarius> uwu
[21:08] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[21:08] [AsG]Nefarius> hi tank
[21:08] [AsG]Nefarius> old soul
[21:08] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi Nefarius!
[21:09] [OP]pressive_clown> :howdy: tank
[21:09] [D]ClownConcern out
[21:09] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi Babo!
[21:20] merciless1> dam gg
[21:20] Lovenji_OP> Nef map 2?
[21:20] [AsG]Nefarius> damnnn
[21:20] [AsG]Nefarius> ruby nova
[21:23] [AvA]noobITA in
[21:24] [AvA]noobITA out
[21:25] RessurectioN_TAS> is beta pathfinding broken ?
[21:26] washedUp_tsi> yes
[21:26] washedUp_tsi> always has been
[21:26] Power_OP> gg wp
[21:26] FreeInca> gg
[21:26] Lucas out
[21:26] Power_OP> very well played guys
[21:26] Zpektrix_TAS> too good front
[21:26] RessurectioN_TAS> 1. my shaman looking for a hard way to walk throught
[21:26] Power_OP> one of my best 8p pp front performance
[21:26] Power_OP> ye
[21:26] Lucas in
[21:26] RessurectioN_TAS> 2. some units like to patrol automatically
[21:26] Power_OP> you saw my bad lb there?
[21:26] Power_OP> was so annoying
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> cuddle
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[21:27] Lucas> I don't get how's that Ice gets quadruppled and they don't enter blue's
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> but it's ok
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> even 4 shamans coming in
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> it was not that effective
[21:27] Power_OP> couldnt gave much land but you did fine
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> lol power
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> i have 160
[21:27] Power_OP> lol nice
[21:27] Power_OP> more than my max
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> much more townsized in general
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> people gives me 140 max
[21:28] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> i wanted to cast my volc in ice's base
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> :*(
[21:28] Power_OP> didnt know you had that much
[21:28] Power_OP> mana
[21:28] Power_OP> good play of you
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> ty u2
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> i killed shamans in the begining
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> it saved your base
[21:29] washedUp_tsi> ghosts did the killing
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> yes
[21:29] Power_OP> +1
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> i do cast ghosts when i have ping 140
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> and control them
[21:31] Lucas out
[21:31] Mowgli in
[21:31] Power_OP> +3
[21:31] [OP]pressive_clown> PopTB_Babo: THE LAG BLAST LETS GO LOOT
[21:32] [OP]pressive_clown> big LOOT
[21:32] ClownStar_OP> LOL
[21:32] cccp in
[21:32] ClownStar_OP> gg wp!
[21:32] Mowgli out
[21:32] [OP]pressive_clown> the
[21:33] Mowgli in
[21:33] [OP]pressive_clown> southamerican bird view eagle eye 1 second delay blasting out of hell
[21:33] Power_OP> ++3
[21:33] Power_OP> pp
[21:33] Power_OP> or any 1v1?
[21:33] RessurectioN_TAS out
[21:33] Lovenji_OP out
[21:34] Mammy_Tas> last time I did 1v1 on revival with keith I had to host the game and had to play early in the morning :kekw:
[21:36] [AsG]Nefarius> adios amigas and amigos
[21:36] [AsG]Nefarius> was a pleasure
[21:36] [AsG]mentix> did you play tourney game yet nef?
[21:36] [AsG]Nefarius> :wave:
[21:36] [AsG]Nefarius> yes
[21:37] [AsG]Sky-> later nef
[21:37] [AsG]mentix> howd it go?
[21:37] [AsG]Nefarius> and I failed miserably
[21:37] [AsG]mentix> lol
[21:37] [AsG]Nefarius> haha
[21:37] Power_OP> cyl NEf
[21:37] [AsG]mentix> cya man
[21:37] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[21:37] [AsG]Nefarius> forgot about it until a couple of days ago
[21:37] [AsG]Nefarius> have a good time lads! cya ;)
[21:37] [AsG]Nefarius out
[21:38] [AsG]Sky- out
[21:38] [AvA]noobITA in
[21:40] [AvA]Soma-> mibbel if you never attack , you will never win a game
[21:40] Cyborg> yeah i told him
[21:40] [AvA]Soma-> you only defend
[21:40] Cyborg> keep shaman in the frontline of your defence never idle and keep pressuring with blast ghosts and other spells you can afford
[21:40] Cyborg> it works
[21:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Mibbel's map is sess, he needs work on others like walls
[21:41] Mowgli out
[21:41] Cyborg> yeah mibbel has better shaman controle than most warriors ranks
[21:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> just like christo's map is walls, but he needs work on 4way
[21:41] Mowgli in
[21:42] Cyborg> 1v1 soma would win me but mibbel would be prolly even
[21:42] Cyborg> toruk as i said, would struggle against soma 1v1
[21:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I will give Mibbel credit though, he killed as many warriors as soma did
[21:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> as many enemy troops i mean
[21:43] Power_OP> +2
[21:43] Cyborg> well played guys
[21:43] Cyborg> im gonna play my ps5
[21:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well done Ossur
[21:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> have fun
[21:43] Cyborg> ok
[21:43] Cyborg> ty
[21:45] Mowgli> +++++++++++++++++2
[21:47] Unpredictable> power pm if u get 3rd
[21:47] SepulturaMb out
[21:48] Power_OP> if u join we may get 4th
[21:48] Power_OP> idk will wait 10 mins
[21:48] Power_OP> then i am out as well
[21:51] Power_OP> +2
[21:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:51] SepulturaMb in
[21:52] [AvA]noobITA> -è3_
[21:52] [AvA]noobITA> +3
[21:52] [AvA]Soma- out
[21:54] Dougs out
[21:55] jammy out
[21:55] jammy in
[21:57] [D]ClownConcern in
[21:58] Mowgli> +++++++++++++2
[22:00] Power_OP> gn guys
[22:00] Power_OP out
[22:04] ClownStar_OP out
[22:07] merciless1 out
[22:08] [AvA]noobITA> map
[22:08] [AvA]noobITA> damn need go
[22:08] [AvA]noobITA> bye
[22:08] [AvA]noobITA out
[22:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[22:09] SepulturaMb out
[22:09] SepulturaMb in
[22:09] SepulturaMb out
[22:09] SepulturaMb in
[22:10] SepulturaMb out
[22:10] SepulturaMb in
[22:10] SepulturaMb out
[22:10] SepulturaMb in
[22:11] ScoobyDoo in
[22:11] cccp out
[22:11] cccp in
[22:14] ScoobyDoo out
[22:14] SepulturaMb out
[22:14] Plan3tFall in
[22:15] Plan3tFall out
[22:18] Mowgli out
[22:23] Tamaldas in
[22:24] Mammy_Tas out
[22:28] Mowgli in
[22:30] Mowgli out
[22:39] Tamaldas in
[22:41] Tamaldas out
[22:43] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[22:49] Tamaldas out
[22:53] Unpredictable out
[22:54] Tamaldas in
[22:54] Tamaldas out
[22:54] Tamaldas in
[23:02] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[23:02] adray_tsi out
[23:03] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:03] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[23:03] Tamaldas out
[23:08] [Rw]Raver out
[23:08] Tamaldas in
[23:10] Tamaldas out
[23:12] FreeInca out
[23:13] Luxray in
[23:15] Plan3tFall out
[23:19] [D]Nightfury out
[23:23] RessurectioN_TAS in
[23:25] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[23:27] RessurectioN_TAS> hw 1v1 pp ?
[23:27] [Rw]Jops out
[23:34] adray_tsi in
[23:40] jammy out
[23:40] jammy in
[23:46] RessurectioN_TAS out
[23:48] [D]ClownConcern out
[23:54] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[23:58] [AsG]Godzilla out